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楼主: pavelchina

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-23 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
% V/ s" V/ G6 f$ s
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6 g( @. z) d4 K$ p5 Q0 g* t
3 C9 S0 t( x- }% U9 u8 [0 Q: Z
* ~3 k  U; r/ B. a+ V0 ~0 u
The Ghorlax demon had been relatively easy to dispatch, all things considered.
In a not atypical infestation, the foul spirit had latched onto the walls of the modest Billings home in Connecticut and had made it its Earthly tether. The Billings family had become understandably desperate.
They’d reached out to Shade, Flores, and Taro Surrealty, hoping to have the house cleansed of evil so that they might place it on the market, leaving behind the horrors they’d endured in the past year.
It was the day before Christmas, but Isaiah hadn’t been able to refuse them. His heart was too kind.
He had left Flores and Deimos in Maine while he traveled to Connecticut solo. There, he’d managed to destroy the Ghorlax demon, and the Billings family was elated to learn that they could finally list the house and move on with their lives.
Isaiah had caught a red eye back to Maine, carrying back a rather nagging feeling as baggage. Something didn’t sit right with him, and he couldn’t escape the sense that the Ghorlax demon had been bested far too easily.
At the airport, Julio Flores, the man become one of Isaiah’s closest, most cherished friends was waiting to collect him with open arms. The unconventionally handsome Julio wore his best suit, which meant fewer coffee stains than usual, and perhaps a few less creases since this was the Holidays. Flores was proudly of Mexican heritage, and every Christmas he looked forward to plying Isaiah and their partner, the Taro Demon called Deimos with his abuela’s famous hard Egg Nog. This usually led to the two hunks getting outrageously drunk and horny, leaving them easily pliable and open to raunchy suggestion.
In the car, Flores got behind the wheel. He loved Isaiah deeply and was genuinely thrilled to have his best friend back in time for Christmas.
“I can’t believe how fast you got rid of that demon, bro” praised Flores. “That was like, record time”!
Isaiah wasn’t as jubilant as he typically was after a banishment. He seemed preoccupied.
“Yeah… I suppose so. But it was… that is… Sigh. Something’s nagging me. It’s like somehting’s… stuck with me”.
Not one for ever reading the room, Flores continued to grin like an idiot as he pulled out of the airport parking lot and onto the highway. He reached over and placed his right hand on Isaiah’s thigh, squeezing gently.
“Hey man, banishings can’t all be soul crushing fuckeries. Makes sense to me that sometimes, they just go easier than you expect ‘em to, you know. I mean, God knows you’ve done enough of ‘em, by now. Maybe you’re just getting better and better at ‘em!”
Isaiah, looked out the passenger window as the gentle snow begin to whip past the car as it gained speed. He let out the softest sigh. Why couldn’t he shake this feeling?
Sensing that his friend’s concern wouldn’t be eased with mere words of encouragement, Flores moved his hand from Isaiah’s thigh up to his ample crotch. Warm and plump, the package felt Heavenly in Flores’ comforting grip.
He gave Isaiah’s basket a couple of hefty squeezes. Beneath the fabric of Isaiah’s trousers, his penis began to stir.
Isaiah turned his head to look down at the hand groping his confined genitals. He smiled that slim, sultry smile that often made Flores weak in the knees and rigid in the crotchal area.
“Heh! Heh! I guess you’re right, Flores”.
Flores took this as proof of his deep, uncanny powers of perception, and unshakable ability to cheer up his boys.
His grin grew larger, and he returned his hand to the wheel. As much as he wanted to unzip Isaiah’s slacks, pull out his fat, gorgeous cock and start stroking it, the snow was picking up. He reckoned he’d best focus on the road and his driving instead.
“Aren’t I always”? Flores chuckled.
“Well, no… not always...”
The remainder of the drive back to the Shade, Flores, and Taro Surrealty office located in Isaiah’s Manor House was uneventful. It was filled with light, casual banter. Flores went on an on about their Office Christmas Party. He told Isaiah how Deimos had decorated their tree wearing nothing but a jockstrap and a Santa hat, and how Flores had simply had to stop and rim him before the last of the ornaments could be hung. Deimos had been livid after Flores had made him cum all over the village scene at the foot of the tree, and the young Demon had spent another hour cleaning up the copious, sticky mess.
Isaiah listened, and he laughed, but he felt distant. There it was again, that feeling that something was amiss… or rather, not completely resolved. Though he was greatly looking forward to their Office Christmas Party, he had a sinking feeling that the festivities would not go quite as planned.
Right on time, the small group of guests began to arrive one after the other. The guests consisted of past clients, suppliers, and other business relations. All brought hosting gifts, ranging from bottles of fine wine to ornately wrapped boxes of Holiday Chocolates and treats. Deimos desperately hoped there would be gingerbread cookies in the mix.
Flores greeted everybody with absolute glee and panache, taking coats and tossing them into a large pile in the supplies and utility closet adjacent the main office.
Deimos wore a wonderfully form fitting houndstooth suit, tailored to perfection. He poured drinks for the guests and made small talk through gritted teeth and as fake a smile as he could muster. The young Demon preferred to let his fists or his cock do the talking, and he wasn’t exactly what one might call a “people person”. This evening was proving a real challenge for him and the irritating chitty-chitty-chat-chat was driving him bonkers.
While the guests arrived and milled about in the office downstairs, Isaiah was stepping out of a blisteringly hot shower. Showering in near boiling water, though terrible for drying his supple skin, had become something of a ritual for him after every demon banishing and home cleansing.
He stepped onto the plush bathmat and proceeded to dry off his beautifully muscled frame. His cock was always so plump after being bathed in hot water. It hung heavy and lazily between Isaiah’s massive hairy thighs, the lip of his foreskin drooping and pouty. His balls were equally weighty as they lulled, freshly steamed within their delicate silk pouch.
Isaiah finished drying off. He shaved, and styled his hair. Then he made his way from the bathroom into his bedroom, where his clothes for the evening awaited laid out upon the bed.
He paused.
Suddenly, Isaiah turned from the bed, and inexplicably made his way out the bedroom door.
Downstairs, the party was in full swing. People laughed and ate and drank and were festively merry.
Lester Jenkins, a middle-aged gentleman and recent client whose home had been cleansed then sold for above asking, had taken a real shine to Deimos during their business dealings. Completely sauced and improperly buoyed by a misguided sense of his own sex appeal, he pressed himself against Deimos, backing the young demon into a corner.
Jenkins presumptuously placed his hand upon Deimos’ chest, stroking those big purple muscles through the think fabric of his pressed shirt. He pinched at the erect nipples beneath, causing Deimos to flinch in discomfort.
“I felt a con… connection between us… HIC… im… immediately when we met...” Jenkins slurred.
The smell of alcohol on his breath was nearly overwhelming. Deimos sneered and averted his head slightly, attempting to evade the acrid odor of the man’s wheezing.
“Yeah. Sure, man. Whatever”, was all Deimos could reply.
Suddenly, Jenkins’ courage grew two sizes too big, and he brazenly slid his hand down the front of Deimos’ trousers. Unskilled digits fumbled and fondled the thick purple penis they found within the pants. Deimos’ ire rose. Not wanting to make a scene, he fought to remain polite and maintain his cool.
“Uhm… wouldja mind taking your hands outta my pants, Mr. Jenkins? We ain’t that well acquainted”!
Jenkins’ grip didn’t relent. He slowly stroked Deimos’ dick, retracting the foreskin up and down the uncircumcised member’s head, as if his clumsy attempts at seduction might sway the Taro Demon’s attitude.
“C’mon you big, beautiful pruple boy… donn… don’t be like thhh… that…! I jusss wanna show you a gudd timmme”!
The man dropped to his knees and unzipped Deimos’ trousers, withdrawing from them his stiffening dong. Jenkins marveled at the massive purple organ.
“FUCK ME… that is a h… hoooge fuckin’ dick… It’s Goddamn BLUE...! Ssss so pretty, too”!
Deimos was panicked. He tried to gently but firmly push Jenkins away, but the former client’s vice grip on his growing erection was unflappable. He began to sweat, nervously glancing around at the other guests who were starting to take interested notice. One was even snapping pics on his Polaroid camera.
“Snap one for me, willya?” Deimos heard another guest ask the photographer.
Jenkins yanked Deimos’ pants down to his ankles, baring his hairy ass and legs. Once the trousers were out of the way, the man clutched Deimos’s perfect granite buns in his hungry hands, kneading the muscular mounds with abandon. He pulled Deimos’ pelvis closer to his mouth and unabashedly swallowed the tip of Deimos’ increasingly hard penis into his wet, waiting mouth.
Deimos groaned and moaned as he despaired. Everyone was staring, snapping pictures. He didn’t know how the Hell he could get out of this situation with any grace and dignity. It was embarrassing as all-Hell! There seemed to be no way to win as his former client hoovered his dick as though it were his life support tube.
The young Taro Demon though the might lose it when Jenkins began exploring his asshole with one of his rude, uninvited fingers, but suddenly, Isaiah appeared beyond the office doorway, start naked, dick hard as a flagpole!
In a flurry of speed, the towering hunk rushed over to where Jenkins was molesting Deimos and grabbed the oppressor by the shirt collar, yanking him from the violet meat he’d been devouring and slobbering all over.
“Get the HELL off my boy, Jenkins”, Isaiah roared!
Everyone, including Deimos, was stunned by the forcefulness of Isaiah’s retaliation… AND by his complete nakedness. Isaiah’s perfect manhood drooled clear gobs of precum and bounced and jounced as the stud leapt into action.
More Polaroids were snapped.
“Everyone, OUT!” bellowed Isaiah.
Deimos desperately tried to pull up his pants and tuck his throbbing, spit and alcohol-slickened penis back into his trousers. Flores jumped at Isaiah’s shout, spitting up the sip of wine he’d just slurped back.
Humiliated, Jenkins was no longer feeling so festive. He stood up and collected himself with what little dignity he could muster. He grabbed his jacket from the utility closet. Without so much as another word, he made his way out the door into the dark Maine evening, now rumbling with the beginnings of an angry snowstorm.
The other guests, uncertain what to do at first, could only follow suit. Poor Flores apologized profusely to each and every one of them, handing parting party gifts and favors as they left, uncertain of what to say or where to look.
Meanwhile, Isaiah stood, legs apart and firmly planted upon the office floor, fists tightly balled at his side, his cock throbbing with hardness, pulsating with the heartbeat of a man who’d become inexplicably agitated.
Deimos could have taken care of himself and remedied the situation a little more subtly. Isaiah knew that. And yet, a burning rage had overcome him, bringing the Office Christmas Party to an abrupt halt and a premature end.
Once the guests had all departed, Flores and Deimos cautiously approached their friend, who was still standing, fuming with his massive, dribbling hardon.
Flores was the first to speak.
“Dude, what the Hell? You went a bit overboard, don’t you think”?
Isaiah glared at him. Through a tight-lipped snarl, he cautioned Flores not to push any further.
Deimos stepped between them, for fear that Isaiah might attempt to throttle poor Flores, knowing full well that in a fight, Julio could never take the wall of muscle that was their obviously perturbed friend.
Deimos tried a different, less accusatory approach.
“Thanks for yanking that turd offa me, Isaiah. Mr. Jenkins had no right to do me like that…”!
This seemed to soften Isaiah’s mood, if not his cock. His fists let up a bit, long enough to grab Deimos by the sportsjacket, and spin him about, thumping his purple rump into an office chair.
Not knowing what was up with Isaiah, but also unwilling to aggravate his friend any further, Deimos went with the flow, and limply let himself be tossed about.
Naked and with an unrelenting, dripping boner, Isaiah leapt atop the chair and began sniffing at Deimos’ neck and hair, groping his beefy tits through his shirt. He raised Deimos’ arms up and sniffed his pits deeply, intoxicated by the deep musk he found there. Isaiah was in the grip of a strange, all possessing heat. He caressed Deimos’ bulging basket and stroked his own erection in profound, arousing appreciation.
Isaiah was not himself, that much was clear. As Flores watched on, his friend swiftly ripped open Deimos’ shirt, sending small buttons hurtling about the room like so much shrapnel. The dense hair on Deimos’ chiseled chest glistened in the light of the crackling fireplace and candle-light. Isaiah ran his big hands through the forest of fur covering those exquisite purple beeftits, cupping, squeezing, kneading, occasionally tormenting the young Demon’s diamond-hard nipples. He bit Deimos’ neck roughly, but not hard enough to break the skin. He nibbled at his ears, extending his warm tongue, lapping at them like a hungry dog.
Isaiah rubbed his hard cock against Deimos’ still-confined crotch, leaving behind a delicate trail of pre-ejeculate. Whatever was wrong with Isaiah, this was hot as Hell in Flores’ humble opinion.
Even Deimos, though obviously perplexed and concerned, seemed to be getting into it, as evidenced by the deep-blue plum of his dick which was now poking out the waistband of his trousers and leaking pretty good quantities of precum itself.
Hot though this may have been, it was NOT RIGHT, and Flores knew it.
Isaiah pried Deimos’ erection from his slacks, immediately attacking the massive organ, swallowing much of it’s veiny girth in one gulp. Deimos moaned and whimpered, beside himself, not knowing if he should just give into this, or do something to stop Isaiah who was clearly not himself.
“Uuhhooh, my G… GAWD”!
Deimos mewled and quivered as Isaiah sank his teeth into his foreskin, nibbling, gnashing, tugging, chewing, driving the young pup absolutely MAD with heat!
Flores would have gladly stayed to watch. Hell, he would gladly have joined them. But while Isaiah was clearly captivated by Deimos and his purple hardon, Flores remembered their conversation in the car on the way back from the airport earlier that evening. Something Isaiah had said stuck with Flores. It had seemed innocent enough at first, but now Flores was convinced it had just been casual hyperbole.
“It’s like something’s stuck with me”, Isaiah had mentioned.
Flores knew immediately that the banishing of the Ghorlax hadn’t gone quite as it should, and that somehow, a part of that creature had latched onto his friend, dialing his testosterone up to a million!
Julio Flores knew what had to be done. As he darted from the office to locate a vital tome, Deimos had given up trying to resist Isaiah who had now stripped him out of his suit and trousers entirely. All that remained was Deimos’ necktie, tied in a loose, sloppy loop of fabric around his thick neck.
In a swift sweeping motion of his arm and fist, Isaiah cleared away bowls of chips and dips, plastic wine cups and bottles of alcoholic refreshments from a large table top. When the table had been swept relatively clean, he unceremoniously shoved Deimos roughly up on. On his tummy, Deimos could no longer see the fevered expression upon his friend’s face, but he could feel the warmth of his big mushroom knob as it probed between Deimos’s titanium ass-cheeks. Isaiah slapped his friend’s beautiful round ass repeatedly, causing the Taro Demon to moan anew. He wanted it now… whatever was wrong with Isaiah be damned. He wanted to get demolished!
Forcefully, Isaiah thrust his enormous, rock-solid member into Deimos’ tiny, unprepared hole. Deimos yelped and whimpered as the rigid organ penetrated him. His breath caught in his throat, and his lungs burned as his heart hammered beneath his hairy chest.
After a moment of thinking he might literally die, or at the very least pass out from the sudden intrusion, Deimos relaxed a little. Soon his hips began to sway in tandem with Isaiah’s rhythmic thrusts, rising to meet each lunge with practiced and hungry skill.
Loud, wet slapping noises echoed throughout the office as the two exquisitely put-togehter male specimens smashed into one another, animal in their passions and oblivious to anything else.
After a few moments, Isaiah felt himself drawing near to climax. Both he and Deimos were drenched in sweat, their hairy, muscular bodies colliding and grinding against one another like great tectonic plates carried, violently displaced by an indisputable inertia. Deimos’ own penis bent downward over the edge of the table.  It slammed repeatedly against the wooden edge, a long, thick string of precum drooling from his swollen glans, linking his organ to the office carpet below. His legs trembled as Isaiah intensified the pounding.
At least, as the two men erupted in orgasm, Flores reappeared, an old, dusty book firmly in hand. There was cum everywhere… the amount was almost… unnatural.
As the two men ejaculated, Isaiah grabbed hold of Deimos’ body as if for leverage. He drew him closer, and soon, they were coated in a glossy sheen of sweat and sperm and saliva. They slipped and slid and slicked against one another, miraculously somehow never coming apart.
Doing his best to ignore the intensely homo-erotic spectacle unfolding before him, AND the growing erection in his own trousers, Flores found the correct page in his ancient volume and began to chant.
The storm had dissipated and was no longer howling.
The sky had mostly cleared. The glittering snow fell gently, harmoniously forming a pristine blanket of white which glistered delicately in the moonlight.
It was Christmas Night, and sure, the Office Christmas Party had been a bust… well, mostly… Deimos had to concede that a part of him had rather enjoyed being Isaiah’s bitch… but Flores had gotten everything under control the minute he began to recite that ancient passage.
The Ghorlax had “stained” Isaiah with a lingering heat that had caused the young man to act quite unlike himself. With his spell, Flores had cleansed Isaiah’s spirit, leaving him free to finally regain his senses.
Isaiah had been mortified. He’d apologized profusely to Deimos and to Flores both, for ruining the party, and for using Deimos like a fuck-toy. Neither of his friends held a grudge, though they all agreed that in the morning, letters of apology would have to be written and sent out to all who had attended the soirée and witnessed the unseemly spectacle.
The three Surrealtors had chosen to retire to the hot tub in the back yard which overlooked the Poseidon Point lighthouse visible from the Isaiah’s manor house. As the warmth of the bubbling waters began to dissolve the tension from their weary muscles, the three naked men huddled together, relishing one another’s company.
Isaiah in the middle, arms around the shoulders of Deimos and Flores who were cuddled at his sides, he couldn’t help himself. He suddenly let out a bellowing, heartfelt laugh.
His pals puzzled at this and regarded him quizzically.
“You’re in a good frikkin’ mood given that our Office Christmas Party was a total shit-show dumpster fire” expressed Flores.
“Oh, I dunno...” mused Isaiah, smiling.
“It might not have been perfect, but it was certainly memorable”!
The three young men laughed in tandem.
Suddenly, they weren’t so mortified anymore. Maybe, just maybe, they’d given their guests something better than just a run-of-the-mill boring old Office Christmas Party. Maybe they’d given them a heck of a show and a great story to talk about... Not to mention some scorchingly hawt Polaroids to cherish. And really, what could be better than that for Christmas?
ARTWORK / STORY : Patrick Fillion
COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion
ISAIAH SHADE, JULIO FLORES, DEIMOS, and all other characters are © Copyright and TM 2023, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-23 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
Office Christmas Party - PINUPS And SHORT STORY (Fiction)! (Patreon)
3 n0 ?; d% _8 U! |% H7 Y2 G$ Z5 Z. [  X8 b7 j' e3 H8 x* S
Content1 }) Y, k( v6 h% }
' b2 b2 A" l& [
The Ghorlax demon had been relatively easy to dispatch, all things considered.3 H+ j# j0 P% `

; `7 |  ^, e3 m. @In a not atypical infestation, the foul spirit had latched onto the walls of the modest Billings home in Connecticut and had made it its Earthly tether. The Billings family had become understandably desperate.
8 h& c+ x0 Z* h& A( i7 G5 U% c- x% a0 V
They’d reached out to Shade, Flores, and Taro Surrealty, hoping to have the house cleansed of evil so that they might place it on the market, leaving behind the horrors they’d endured in the past year.
( M/ }; x, N2 o' o9 f+ [( E: `8 t8 Y# [
It was the day before Christmas, but Isaiah hadn’t been able to refuse them. His heart was too kind.- E4 j$ \6 v) L2 U9 L6 s
* C0 w7 j- n9 F$ I6 S
He had left Flores and Deimos in Maine while he traveled to Connecticut solo. There, he’d managed to destroy the Ghorlax demon, and the Billings family was elated to learn that they could finally list the house and move on with their lives.; ~" Q! e0 V, m. Q
. C4 d! E1 y5 S0 w0 u
Isaiah had caught a red eye back to Maine, carrying back a rather nagging feeling as baggage. Something didn’t sit right with him, and he couldn’t escape the sense that the Ghorlax demon had been bested far too easily./ ~) `3 i* @. R2 i5 o
0 m9 d1 G& @* H4 f" |+ {
At the airport, Julio Flores, the man become one of Isaiah’s closest, most cherished friends was waiting to collect him with open arms. The unconventionally handsome Julio wore his best suit, which meant fewer coffee stains than usual, and perhaps a few less creases since this was the Holidays. Flores was proudly of Mexican heritage, and every Christmas he looked forward to plying Isaiah and their partner, the Taro Demon called Deimos with his abuela’s famous hard Egg Nog. This usually led to the two hunks getting outrageously drunk and horny, leaving them easily pliable and open to raunchy suggestion.
: P- n7 E6 ]$ |0 Q5 k) g
- k. B/ A8 j* C* MIn the car, Flores got behind the wheel. He loved Isaiah deeply and was genuinely thrilled to have his best friend back in time for Christmas.
0 Y& d+ T% l# i5 ~. L; G7 e& ]8 u( g- l, B
“I can’t believe how fast you got rid of that demon, bro” praised Flores. “That was like, record time”!
$ L+ N9 ?  q5 V0 ]1 Q0 J$ A$ |/ o8 i- L) a7 j/ W2 e+ k
Isaiah wasn’t as jubilant as he typically was after a banishment. He seemed preoccupied.
( z* [2 X" M2 v: C$ H( w) _' \( U% ~4 Q7 R
“Yeah… I suppose so. But it was… that is… Sigh. Something’s nagging me. It’s like somehting’s… stuck with me”.2 H& N1 V7 i6 V) V5 Y7 f- x
; n6 s* f) G6 ]! N$ A
Not one for ever reading the room, Flores continued to grin like an idiot as he pulled out of the airport parking lot and onto the highway. He reached over and placed his right hand on Isaiah’s thigh, squeezing gently.* e. G: d8 `+ |7 o2 s# ?
% q$ n* j8 W- O* A
“Hey man, banishings can’t all be soul crushing fuckeries. Makes sense to me that sometimes, they just go easier than you expect ‘em to, you know. I mean, God knows you’ve done enough of ‘em, by now. Maybe you’re just getting better and better at ‘em!”
: a1 o" v' }' ~- \. o* h9 C6 D8 c& I! E
- m' p3 W& W( w: G$ `. I4 r! x/ ZIsaiah, looked out the passenger window as the gentle snow begin to whip past the car as it gained speed. He let out the softest sigh. Why couldn’t he shake this feeling?
; ?+ Y. p( h! R  n5 j
0 X' m6 y% ~! ~Sensing that his friend’s concern wouldn’t be eased with mere words of encouragement, Flores moved his hand from Isaiah’s thigh up to his ample crotch. Warm and plump, the package felt Heavenly in Flores’ comforting grip.
2 S) e% u: t% L0 Z/ X6 h' p4 d4 g5 V9 ?. R) g. C8 S8 [9 M
He gave Isaiah’s basket a couple of hefty squeezes. Beneath the fabric of Isaiah’s trousers, his penis began to stir.- y+ B) q# ?5 }

) t- S. [+ K7 ]7 m. h2 t1 tIsaiah turned his head to look down at the hand groping his confined genitals. He smiled that slim, sultry smile that often made Flores weak in the knees and rigid in the crotchal area.
& Q3 m0 o- C7 K* Z# ^4 C7 R) |8 V' e! V+ q( C
“Heh! Heh! I guess you’re right, Flores”.
' `% @9 P" k# J1 R0 S- c5 v" Y/ R3 |' X9 [3 F5 f
Flores took this as proof of his deep, uncanny powers of perception, and unshakable ability to cheer up his boys.
$ E3 e2 L8 U( t5 b  {% [& k. n2 K& E' z- O! j0 ~
His grin grew larger, and he returned his hand to the wheel. As much as he wanted to unzip Isaiah’s slacks, pull out his fat, gorgeous cock and start stroking it, the snow was picking up. He reckoned he’d best focus on the road and his driving instead.
5 {* {& K+ s3 r3 ^
: k/ e/ w1 |8 S, }- H& u; U“Aren’t I always”? Flores chuckled.
9 V  K" ]' \2 }/ K' y8 @$ T4 g5 x* J% M, Q9 c/ H! G
“Well, no… not always...”4 r( i5 H% w7 r+ B  @

0 }8 k0 Z7 X3 M+ P7 V$ M& p. b“HEY! ZIP IT! HA HA HA!”
) T! v' {6 i, P. G( q1 Y* \  R& @( z3 R1 Z! r  Q9 V( N
The remainder of the drive back to the Shade, Flores, and Taro Surrealty office located in Isaiah’s Manor House was uneventful. It was filled with light, casual banter. Flores went on an on about their Office Christmas Party. He told Isaiah how Deimos had decorated their tree wearing nothing but a jockstrap and a Santa hat, and how Flores had simply had to stop and rim him before the last of the ornaments could be hung. Deimos had been livid after Flores had made him cum all over the village scene at the foot of the tree, and the young Demon had spent another hour cleaning up the copious, sticky mess.
; ?5 I" c( v# A" b2 h, N5 a' k  I, X0 v1 J2 a# {# C! e* c
Isaiah listened, and he laughed, but he felt distant. There it was again, that feeling that something was amiss… or rather, not completely resolved. Though he was greatly looking forward to their Office Christmas Party, he had a sinking feeling that the festivities would not go quite as planned.
# o: U0 c% |8 H3 Y' S2 {
1 J6 @$ k/ d2 s. _5 P  xPART 2' }) }* o$ M& R5 j

/ s4 `+ F( K" B7 ^+ P) [Right on time, the small group of guests began to arrive one after the other. The guests consisted of past clients, suppliers, and other business relations. All brought hosting gifts, ranging from bottles of fine wine to ornately wrapped boxes of Holiday Chocolates and treats. Deimos desperately hoped there would be gingerbread cookies in the mix." x7 L$ w8 x5 T

% t! R0 m- L8 r5 s" j/ OFlores greeted everybody with absolute glee and panache, taking coats and tossing them into a large pile in the supplies and utility closet adjacent the main office.
: n9 N' _1 l; |3 W( B' n! R# ~
! S7 M  t; a+ y0 B: G; mDeimos wore a wonderfully form fitting houndstooth suit, tailored to perfection. He poured drinks for the guests and made small talk through gritted teeth and as fake a smile as he could muster. The young Demon preferred to let his fists or his cock do the talking, and he wasn’t exactly what one might call a “people person”. This evening was proving a real challenge for him and the irritating chitty-chitty-chat-chat was driving him bonkers.) j9 J" Q; A. c+ }6 X* p

( O+ R9 S3 j- w* HWhile the guests arrived and milled about in the office downstairs, Isaiah was stepping out of a blisteringly hot shower. Showering in near boiling water, though terrible for drying his supple skin, had become something of a ritual for him after every demon banishing and home cleansing.
+ q6 G7 e1 C- P+ q
) C1 d, p, s/ w4 P$ j. R" L( E9 S* |6 X3 i, GHe stepped onto the plush bathmat and proceeded to dry off his beautifully muscled frame. His cock was always so plump after being bathed in hot water. It hung heavy and lazily between Isaiah’s massive hairy thighs, the lip of his foreskin drooping and pouty. His balls were equally weighty as they lulled, freshly steamed within their delicate silk pouch.. L4 Z# f9 E6 z2 z$ `4 C6 O2 V
- W8 e3 V" u1 e9 d1 \+ a4 ^" y
Isaiah finished drying off. He shaved, and styled his hair. Then he made his way from the bathroom into his bedroom, where his clothes for the evening awaited laid out upon the bed.6 j" \) U& L5 f1 b6 B- K0 r

/ W7 W0 a! t- C( @, NHe paused.
7 L& L! c) u! E& n; i( ?" N& b$ T6 x6 _
Suddenly, Isaiah turned from the bed, and inexplicably made his way out the bedroom door.
& }! I9 |1 X' S; d6 V  Y' R" P. ?) {8 M  G% j9 }
Downstairs, the party was in full swing. People laughed and ate and drank and were festively merry.0 R9 V* C& E/ h
1 Y. f( w! G: d% l
Lester Jenkins, a middle-aged gentleman and recent client whose home had been cleansed then sold for above asking, had taken a real shine to Deimos during their business dealings. Completely sauced and improperly buoyed by a misguided sense of his own sex appeal, he pressed himself against Deimos, backing the young demon into a corner.* s0 F/ N( M" S- c

' J& U+ F* L- EJenkins presumptuously placed his hand upon Deimos’ chest, stroking those big purple muscles through the think fabric of his pressed shirt. He pinched at the erect nipples beneath, causing Deimos to flinch in discomfort., g5 L9 f; q: f3 r! U1 |( Y
+ @1 {' M8 m# ]
“I felt a con… connection between us… HIC… im… immediately when we met...” Jenkins slurred.. H- B) l1 N- E* f& E% @& C! O

( b9 A6 Q, m4 e4 d' ~! cThe smell of alcohol on his breath was nearly overwhelming. Deimos sneered and averted his head slightly, attempting to evade the acrid odor of the man’s wheezing.* X* q( j1 p! M3 V; H2 ?
( p1 ^1 Q5 |1 S  [- ]; _) k
“Yeah. Sure, man. Whatever”, was all Deimos could reply.! u& i' [4 S, S

, ^% h: P! b0 X: \3 g- Y* \  ~, cSuddenly, Jenkins’ courage grew two sizes too big, and he brazenly slid his hand down the front of Deimos’ trousers. Unskilled digits fumbled and fondled the thick purple penis they found within the pants. Deimos’ ire rose. Not wanting to make a scene, he fought to remain polite and maintain his cool.
3 A; }; t3 r9 j: {% ~
4 o% t7 U6 x$ o1 N; j“Uhm… wouldja mind taking your hands outta my pants, Mr. Jenkins? We ain’t that well acquainted”!' @0 Y0 W. Q- `7 i, v3 G' o. S/ o$ C
9 B/ b7 H1 l- L7 D: F7 m% c
Jenkins’ grip didn’t relent. He slowly stroked Deimos’ dick, retracting the foreskin up and down the uncircumcised member’s head, as if his clumsy attempts at seduction might sway the Taro Demon’s attitude.8 q, C+ L/ N- N- Y
) H8 n. H2 w1 w4 t$ l
“C’mon you big, beautiful pruple boy… donn… don’t be like thhh… that…! I jusss wanna show you a gudd timmme”!
, t9 K+ T4 R, S, n1 v3 Z" I6 m1 ~  q
The man dropped to his knees and unzipped Deimos’ trousers, withdrawing from them his stiffening dong. Jenkins marveled at the massive purple organ.
3 K" o" K1 ^* u- {! z
) y3 d1 G+ ~( N“FUCK ME… that is a h… hoooge fuckin’ dick… It’s Goddamn BLUE...! Ssss so pretty, too”!, |4 d) Y  L6 W, X: m! d2 v* B
& t" t. D2 ^2 d/ E8 q
Deimos was panicked. He tried to gently but firmly push Jenkins away, but the former client’s vice grip on his growing erection was unflappable. He began to sweat, nervously glancing around at the other guests who were starting to take interested notice. One was even snapping pics on his Polaroid camera.
2 O; s) d: |, [- R  @2 A+ X. |7 w- y# k6 g, ^6 H
“Snap one for me, willya?” Deimos heard another guest ask the photographer.
! Z3 |+ t: G  j# l6 O7 O7 t5 d9 z5 v+ ]
Jenkins yanked Deimos’ pants down to his ankles, baring his hairy ass and legs. Once the trousers were out of the way, the man clutched Deimos’s perfect granite buns in his hungry hands, kneading the muscular mounds with abandon. He pulled Deimos’ pelvis closer to his mouth and unabashedly swallowed the tip of Deimos’ increasingly hard penis into his wet, waiting mouth.4 q, x. U7 r8 J( N! K
  s; [6 K0 h. `, F+ i5 \3 r
Deimos groaned and moaned as he despaired. Everyone was staring, snapping pictures. He didn’t know how the Hell he could get out of this situation with any grace and dignity. It was embarrassing as all-Hell! There seemed to be no way to win as his former client hoovered his dick as though it were his life support tube.
1 z- G- e4 A+ _0 g- \5 D- \" Y' p; l7 \! B! t& i
The young Taro Demon though the might lose it when Jenkins began exploring his asshole with one of his rude, uninvited fingers, but suddenly, Isaiah appeared beyond the office doorway, start naked, dick hard as a flagpole!' U$ p0 S+ d; T3 y

6 L! m- ^! ^6 @* \( n; t# JIn a flurry of speed, the towering hunk rushed over to where Jenkins was molesting Deimos and grabbed the oppressor by the shirt collar, yanking him from the violet meat he’d been devouring and slobbering all over.& p$ o/ m4 {5 K6 h( X4 @

( c# R# |) @. ]“Get the HELL off my boy, Jenkins”, Isaiah roared!; J: G7 Q2 e# W; T5 f! G% U
. q! W1 ^; f9 }7 b* Y1 C
Everyone, including Deimos, was stunned by the forcefulness of Isaiah’s retaliation… AND by his complete nakedness. Isaiah’s perfect manhood drooled clear gobs of precum and bounced and jounced as the stud leapt into action.
/ m' U; o: C6 r" Z! c2 N' I3 D+ C5 u
More Polaroids were snapped.
* r' c' N& P0 D; t. q
5 d3 t+ z& Y7 w5 }1 N* V“Everyone, OUT!” bellowed Isaiah.
+ ~8 H1 M7 ~% N& \
4 E+ n; z2 e$ `0 W9 q: W3 a  pDeimos desperately tried to pull up his pants and tuck his throbbing, spit and alcohol-slickened penis back into his trousers. Flores jumped at Isaiah’s shout, spitting up the sip of wine he’d just slurped back.
& i: t9 ]" z9 w) c! B+ W6 |9 n; ?7 `# f$ J7 y; f, e! ~
Humiliated, Jenkins was no longer feeling so festive. He stood up and collected himself with what little dignity he could muster. He grabbed his jacket from the utility closet. Without so much as another word, he made his way out the door into the dark Maine evening, now rumbling with the beginnings of an angry snowstorm.! X; Z: ?' `4 D+ D; S! p2 I
! h' D" H" B' r/ w' @" k7 B
The other guests, uncertain what to do at first, could only follow suit. Poor Flores apologized profusely to each and every one of them, handing parting party gifts and favors as they left, uncertain of what to say or where to look., D  p' E4 T% K" l- G4 v* m1 y
$ z8 `& t3 @, i
Meanwhile, Isaiah stood, legs apart and firmly planted upon the office floor, fists tightly balled at his side, his cock throbbing with hardness, pulsating with the heartbeat of a man who’d become inexplicably agitated.$ v7 |7 g4 t/ i) Q8 c: K% }
8 x7 j3 M+ F1 T5 Z
Deimos could have taken care of himself and remedied the situation a little more subtly. Isaiah knew that. And yet, a burning rage had overcome him, bringing the Office Christmas Party to an abrupt halt and a premature end.* x( [/ H7 r1 E9 }# s/ b
" R& j8 w, Y" I1 J
Once the guests had all departed, Flores and Deimos cautiously approached their friend, who was still standing, fuming with his massive, dribbling hardon.+ b, C" D$ N, u, g# e2 J4 R) t
2 m1 l+ g3 P1 l% ~; v  ^
Flores was the first to speak.
7 W+ S! m4 Q* ?# D! L" B9 R, U8 {, E+ v& j! l/ h& \
“Dude, what the Hell? You went a bit overboard, don’t you think”?/ k* T  c& _( ~/ D6 r8 }' ?: ^

3 H- _) P& W- n% j2 l, LIsaiah glared at him. Through a tight-lipped snarl, he cautioned Flores not to push any further.
0 ]6 _- @  g3 q" H8 w5 W6 K" u( M  Z  G; H; K
Deimos stepped between them, for fear that Isaiah might attempt to throttle poor Flores, knowing full well that in a fight, Julio could never take the wall of muscle that was their obviously perturbed friend.+ Q8 C/ j) s+ A

  O, v( c; W+ ~7 W2 I0 N$ ^+ bDeimos tried a different, less accusatory approach.3 {9 ]5 @8 ]3 b' u7 i0 j$ M

4 b9 E, ]8 d! N% ?, f" d5 v“Thanks for yanking that turd offa me, Isaiah. Mr. Jenkins had no right to do me like that…”!: ~1 F/ ]. {# w& N
$ y4 @& Z/ l8 b; V
This seemed to soften Isaiah’s mood, if not his cock. His fists let up a bit, long enough to grab Deimos by the sportsjacket, and spin him about, thumping his purple rump into an office chair.
9 `' l' \6 d* M" l" Q/ M, q
. w% ^- x7 f0 J+ K5 X3 p! m0 V* [6 {Not knowing what was up with Isaiah, but also unwilling to aggravate his friend any further, Deimos went with the flow, and limply let himself be tossed about.
5 x* E- O5 `7 v% J1 y, C; [$ v
" F" s2 h" b0 Y( d3 aNaked and with an unrelenting, dripping boner, Isaiah leapt atop the chair and began sniffing at Deimos’ neck and hair, groping his beefy tits through his shirt. He raised Deimos’ arms up and sniffed his pits deeply, intoxicated by the deep musk he found there. Isaiah was in the grip of a strange, all possessing heat. He caressed Deimos’ bulging basket and stroked his own erection in profound, arousing appreciation.: ~9 j) T, Q: Z2 Z

% \* f/ q$ J) x9 n. mIsaiah was not himself, that much was clear. As Flores watched on, his friend swiftly ripped open Deimos’ shirt, sending small buttons hurtling about the room like so much shrapnel. The dense hair on Deimos’ chiseled chest glistened in the light of the crackling fireplace and candle-light. Isaiah ran his big hands through the forest of fur covering those exquisite purple beeftits, cupping, squeezing, kneading, occasionally tormenting the young Demon’s diamond-hard nipples. He bit Deimos’ neck roughly, but not hard enough to break the skin. He nibbled at his ears, extending his warm tongue, lapping at them like a hungry dog.  Z# K  j- y6 n, r# H8 u( r

0 j/ T" H0 v3 |# W3 VIsaiah rubbed his hard cock against Deimos’ still-confined crotch, leaving behind a delicate trail of pre-ejeculate. Whatever was wrong with Isaiah, this was hot as Hell in Flores’ humble opinion.
$ P1 R1 }* Q2 O
7 u1 M3 m% `, L/ P1 FEven Deimos, though obviously perplexed and concerned, seemed to be getting into it, as evidenced by the deep-blue plum of his dick which was now poking out the waistband of his trousers and leaking pretty good quantities of precum itself.3 u0 n: G+ e; |

; [4 T- N3 [7 J# G" j* b0 pHot though this may have been, it was NOT RIGHT, and Flores knew it.$ B: `6 P( Z& J0 H
. j9 B7 Q6 _3 Y9 j, Q: ~1 j
Isaiah pried Deimos’ erection from his slacks, immediately attacking the massive organ, swallowing much of it’s veiny girth in one gulp. Deimos moaned and whimpered, beside himself, not knowing if he should just give into this, or do something to stop Isaiah who was clearly not himself.
; r' G6 y5 O0 N+ R8 G/ h
. _' D8 ]: I( o+ H“Uuhhooh, my G… GAWD”!  _3 o* B- B! T: T% ^+ _3 P5 n

' C: j9 d& M: z& r/ sDeimos mewled and quivered as Isaiah sank his teeth into his foreskin, nibbling, gnashing, tugging, chewing, driving the young pup absolutely MAD with heat!* v1 l: l, b2 p5 e

6 i2 O& K. r5 l7 KFlores would have gladly stayed to watch. Hell, he would gladly have joined them. But while Isaiah was clearly captivated by Deimos and his purple hardon, Flores remembered their conversation in the car on the way back from the airport earlier that evening. Something Isaiah had said stuck with Flores. It had seemed innocent enough at first, but now Flores was convinced it had just been casual hyperbole.0 |; J! D1 F' y" T. Q. \  o3 k

0 {9 I) E7 ~8 Z" U3 X5 i3 [* O“It’s like something’s stuck with me”, Isaiah had mentioned.! g4 n3 c; Y% z* S0 b

" q1 M) i* _( t' T, n# {Flores knew immediately that the banishing of the Ghorlax hadn’t gone quite as it should, and that somehow, a part of that creature had latched onto his friend, dialing his testosterone up to a million!
* e, o; T1 d2 t; f) t' o. h
% \9 Y- [1 H" M  M: GJulio Flores knew what had to be done. As he darted from the office to locate a vital tome, Deimos had given up trying to resist Isaiah who had now stripped him out of his suit and trousers entirely. All that remained was Deimos’ necktie, tied in a loose, sloppy loop of fabric around his thick neck.
4 ?$ O% I2 a4 H- |% Q
1 ?. i: X' {) e% [; S: n3 {In a swift sweeping motion of his arm and fist, Isaiah cleared away bowls of chips and dips, plastic wine cups and bottles of alcoholic refreshments from a large table top. When the table had been swept relatively clean, he unceremoniously shoved Deimos roughly up on. On his tummy, Deimos could no longer see the fevered expression upon his friend’s face, but he could feel the warmth of his big mushroom knob as it probed between Deimos’s titanium ass-cheeks. Isaiah slapped his friend’s beautiful round ass repeatedly, causing the Taro Demon to moan anew. He wanted it now… whatever was wrong with Isaiah be damned. He wanted to get demolished!
7 m/ k; W  r+ a7 V* N- n6 f6 Q& [% ~' M$ r
Forcefully, Isaiah thrust his enormous, rock-solid member into Deimos’ tiny, unprepared hole. Deimos yelped and whimpered as the rigid organ penetrated him. His breath caught in his throat, and his lungs burned as his heart hammered beneath his hairy chest.5 K! `8 [& `) Y6 q8 x
' H1 n: m( K/ K1 F
After a moment of thinking he might literally die, or at the very least pass out from the sudden intrusion, Deimos relaxed a little. Soon his hips began to sway in tandem with Isaiah’s rhythmic thrusts, rising to meet each lunge with practiced and hungry skill.  U1 a$ |0 y8 Q& ?* R

3 s# y9 j' m$ l  }; i5 nLoud, wet slapping noises echoed throughout the office as the two exquisitely put-togehter male specimens smashed into one another, animal in their passions and oblivious to anything else.
: S( i8 N+ J3 s: p) C6 v/ ?) ]
4 ~0 P3 M( ~: PAfter a few moments, Isaiah felt himself drawing near to climax. Both he and Deimos were drenched in sweat, their hairy, muscular bodies colliding and grinding against one another like great tectonic plates carried, violently displaced by an indisputable inertia. Deimos’ own penis bent downward over the edge of the table.  It slammed repeatedly against the wooden edge, a long, thick string of precum drooling from his swollen glans, linking his organ to the office carpet below. His legs trembled as Isaiah intensified the pounding.+ F: F) ]) u5 l  {8 V% s% ]  ~
% _* `/ w( ?; k, p
At least, as the two men erupted in orgasm, Flores reappeared, an old, dusty book firmly in hand. There was cum everywhere… the amount was almost… unnatural.- U/ H& B) O7 R" g; g5 V7 d

: t, b0 D. b+ L0 i& P0 wAs the two men ejaculated, Isaiah grabbed hold of Deimos’ body as if for leverage. He drew him closer, and soon, they were coated in a glossy sheen of sweat and sperm and saliva. They slipped and slid and slicked against one another, miraculously somehow never coming apart.
7 l+ j/ S/ [  ~! D( {9 c
) R) d4 d3 g- L) {, `1 n7 NDoing his best to ignore the intensely homo-erotic spectacle unfolding before him, AND the growing erection in his own trousers, Flores found the correct page in his ancient volume and began to chant.
  g" B8 w! v/ s& `
+ K) X( x/ H, X1 N) P* KPART 3* B- k& K2 I/ }" O8 R6 u

8 s0 t& u; l; C0 p5 Q' aThe storm had dissipated and was no longer howling.( p2 M! _$ f* e1 T
2 d3 u- A7 p2 y+ k4 G' Y: {( L% s- u5 q
The sky had mostly cleared. The glittering snow fell gently, harmoniously forming a pristine blanket of white which glistered delicately in the moonlight.' C: B/ H8 W0 s

; X# t3 z7 O8 V7 j2 F/ x" EIt was Christmas Night, and sure, the Office Christmas Party had been a bust… well, mostly… Deimos had to concede that a part of him had rather enjoyed being Isaiah’s bitch… but Flores had gotten everything under control the minute he began to recite that ancient passage.+ M  Q6 S7 M3 n( |' Q, q: Z

/ {; Z0 y# O- Z" l1 TThe Ghorlax had “stained” Isaiah with a lingering heat that had caused the young man to act quite unlike himself. With his spell, Flores had cleansed Isaiah’s spirit, leaving him free to finally regain his senses.% ]2 f- {- a3 |4 s
: W+ y' y) @' M$ U& v9 c; F) W
Isaiah had been mortified. He’d apologized profusely to Deimos and to Flores both, for ruining the party, and for using Deimos like a fuck-toy. Neither of his friends held a grudge, though they all agreed that in the morning, letters of apology would have to be written and sent out to all who had attended the soirée and witnessed the unseemly spectacle.
/ |% k' X: G% I+ Z/ o# O4 |& I, k$ x; ~0 Q
The three Surrealtors had chosen to retire to the hot tub in the back yard which overlooked the Poseidon Point lighthouse visible from the Isaiah’s manor house. As the warmth of the bubbling waters began to dissolve the tension from their weary muscles, the three naked men huddled together, relishing one another’s company.
% \: [4 Q3 c; [6 N. ?
/ X5 k( I$ `- J# J6 C3 eIsaiah in the middle, arms around the shoulders of Deimos and Flores who were cuddled at his sides, he couldn’t help himself. He suddenly let out a bellowing, heartfelt laugh.8 q/ V2 U) M9 O/ t1 e6 M9 ^& J! E
( |/ ?' u/ O* a, `
His pals puzzled at this and regarded him quizzically.
$ C( R6 B, G8 j' E
; p; t1 o# V& E: F3 |: c“You’re in a good frikkin’ mood given that our Office Christmas Party was a total shit-show dumpster fire” expressed Flores.
% {% T6 D8 r9 e$ S: l0 C4 ^7 v- t9 R3 a% t+ g7 ^
“Oh, I dunno...” mused Isaiah, smiling.
8 P6 f, }1 E5 Z" N
0 }0 I# {. w; C: \/ [9 b“It might not have been perfect, but it was certainly memorable”!
* n; p5 x$ d6 T8 i$ Z# N3 ^% R8 N' S- c
The three young men laughed in tandem.
9 }' t; z& V6 _5 t5 e
8 Q, f# r' ?" [( p+ c3 pSuddenly, they weren’t so mortified anymore. Maybe, just maybe, they’d given their guests something better than just a run-of-the-mill boring old Office Christmas Party. Maybe they’d given them a heck of a show and a great story to talk about... Not to mention some scorchingly hawt Polaroids to cherish. And really, what could be better than that for Christmas?0 i, o. ^8 @! h/ |* c# z# W+ j

8 ]; ^9 i! |% w+ yTHE END!
# e1 G& u+ s0 P1 `! G7 t" j
( }. Q% V! Q6 k$ m" C& V% J
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! {/ F/ V* ~8 J
8 b  V3 w* X0 i1 t( r( W6 y杭森离开闫彬去腐国英伦求学,遇到了另一个男主:林战夏
5 K( F/ P! `8 B6 N3 {- Q$ S8 _  U3 D/ p, w5 n
第六十三章 初至沃克弗德8 o4 q6 p- |+ M4 o2 z6 L
1 |. t  r/ ?' y! ]. ~
  ┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄" m4 h4 T) B# l* T; B

/ j0 b4 m0 c! ^! `6 F; b  一九八二年九月,站在这座维多利亚式建筑之前,杭森呼出一口气,两年前的种种,仿佛黄粱一梦,在这遥远的异国他乡,之前一直割舍不了的那个人、那份情,如今也显得遥远模糊起来,早已被忙碌而充实的生活渐渐磨得平整了。杭森抻了抻西装下摆,戴上帽子,提起放在脚边的行李箱,绕过图书馆,向着早已踩过点的寓所走去。( k# U* n; M7 O9 V4 |$ Z
% M& ^8 I: ]7 j8 {* j5 R. m
  杭森离开观山矿之后,在深港待了一周的时间,就乘船到了明珠岛。之后,生活中一切的时间精力,都用到了学习上——跟着米旗国老师学习西语、开始涉猎西方艺术史、在坚持国画创作的前提下,也试着完成了一些油画作品,杭志文在明珠岛人脉广,为了让杭家独苗能顺利进入沃克弗德大学,没少费心劳力,专门找了在明珠岛工作的纯艺学者,颐养天年的国画大师等,让杭森在入学前就接触了包括油画、装置艺术、摄影、雕塑在内的众多知识,杭森基础本就深厚,悟性颇佳,有了名师教导,进步更可谓一日千里。其中一位寓居明珠岛米旗国的艺术教授,更是带来了众多用古西语记录的艺术文献影印件,里面夹杂着生僻的拉丁文,杭森在对方的精心指导下,也能懂个囫囵了。更难得的是,这位老教授深喜杭森的聪明颖慧,闲时带着杭森走访了许多来自靴子国、匈牙利的朋友,在那里,杭森有幸见到了许多散逸世界各处的大夏国珍贵画作、瓷器、杂项的真迹,视野得到了极大的拓展。8 m$ e$ p8 M. Y2 t6 ~

5 P' L4 g0 J* ~) g5 I8 \* p. q, E  经过两年时间的学习累计,杭森对西方艺术有了初步的了解,西语的日常会话也得心应手起来。在准备好入学展示作品后,于八二年六月抵达米旗国,经过一轮笔试、两轮面试后,杭森以三门A-level课程均是A+的成绩,得到面试官的青眼,最终得以进入沃克弗德大学摩德林学院(Magdalen College)学习纯艺术专业,此专业隶属人文学部,和杭森同期的本专业学生,只有二十余人。
7 r, N% Q# i7 l. u0 j4 ]) r8 h
" r5 T0 o5 t3 w1 j2 l5 ]  沃克弗德大学作为米旗国最古老的大学之一,距今已有八百来年的历史,学校整体和沃克弗德镇融为一体,三十多个学院坐落在小镇各处。杭森就读的摩德林学院步行十来分钟就有火车站,搭乘火车的话,到米旗国首都也不过一个来小时的路程。学校采用学院联邦制,杭森的食、住、学大部分在本学院内即可完成。
. g3 H5 ^) o" o
$ G$ J, @1 F8 h! S  W1 `5 q  小高在杭森面试成功之后就回大夏了,杭思成那里也离不得他这个全能秘书。好在之前就有学院的助教带着杭森参观了一遍,因此在超过一百英亩的学院内,杭森还不至于迷路。穿过鹿园,杭森提着箱子来到一座白色外墙的砖石建筑前,这里就是杭森即将生活三年的地方。: K7 p1 c3 u% m
: K+ [+ r$ d( h7 ^! @5 y6 ^% ]" Q1 F7 [
2 v2 y, F% D3 f+ t/ E. G! w- d' z2 j. ]# K0 s0 Q
* R8 [4 ^9 k) @8 D! N" w) Z# {: @* G2 q$ l* v6 S
9 I0 f& r; }" g) z) `8 Z* U+ R! S' I4 Y+ }+ d7 p
  此时还未开学,建筑内没有人,两人的皮鞋踩在木地板上发出清脆的回响。进门是一个大厅,杭森抬起头来看吊在厅中的玻璃挂灯,灯以做工精湛的玻璃球坠在下方当做装饰,剔透的玻璃球投影出几十张杭森英俊的脸。乔治见杭森停下脚步,略带骄傲的介绍道:“杭,这栋寓所一楼是厨房及餐厅,里面有烤炉,能做些简单的食物,不过平时还是去学院的餐厅用餐的多。”对着杭森眨了眨眼金,开怀大笑道:“不过你们大夏人不太习惯米旗国的食物,有空时可以搭火车去首都,那里有夏人城,可以吃到正宗的大夏菜肴,就是我们学院,每年的大夏农历新年,也会举办Formal Dinner,食物的味道也还不错的。”指了指大厅北面道:“那里是壁炉,一般十一月会供暖。寓所的管理人员裘德先生也住在这一层,他是负责照顾你们日常起居的校工,若你有什么事需要帮忙的,请尽管开口寻求帮助,他会为你妥善解决的。”. `$ \% [* J: s% _/ l$ }
/ i" W! C( ~& Y+ ?
% C. F9 L* G$ Q
" r% k. a9 s# A9 F4 G/ L  乔治扶了扶鼻梁上架着的圆形镜片,道:“走吧,咱们上楼。”见杭森毫不费力地拎着大箱子跟在自己身后,不由惊叹道:“杭,你力气可真大!你是我见过的夏人中,最高的一个了……唔,也很‘漂亮’!”见杭森脸有些红,连连摆手道:“我没有其他意思,只是单纯觉得你很好看!杭,学院里有酒吧,有健身馆,甚至有集市和商店,闲暇时不妨去锻炼下身体,我们学院的划船队可是很优秀的!里面正需要你这样充满朝气的小伙子,哈!”
. |2 d6 |6 p! i2 I) ^
, x0 ^1 F$ W6 A  踩着实木雕花楼梯,杭森被眼前的美景震撼了——透过洁白的窗帘,能远远看见鹿园里的几只小鹿正悠闲的散着步,河水蜿蜒,石桥静谧,以绿色草坪为背景,四处都点缀着色彩斑斓的花卉和石雕。杭森像是从喧嚣的世俗进到一个绮丽安静的迷梦中,难辨真假。正思量间,乔治的洪亮声音响起:“杭,二楼有五套en-suite,你住最左侧那间,每个套间有两人居住。”又指了指对面道:“这边是十二间大套间,每间住四人,共享一个公用的卫生间和洗浴间。”说着翻了翻手中的册子,手指指着一处道:“唔,对面的大套间里也有一位来自大夏的学生,叫林,读了一年的预科,今年和你同级,不过他是经济学学制的。但愿你们能成为朋友。”
3 h" s9 U8 O& N
4 z- Z0 u6 q( D1 F& v8 G8 ~4 `  “非常感谢您,乔治先生,你的帮助让我省去了不少麻烦。”杭森朝着对方微微鞠了一躬。
% V1 e7 V; ~$ c- r( `. o8 S! [' t, K1 d7 H% Q" {1 y/ |
8 {: q; [% X. A& O8 D" k+ E( Z* {6 u$ L  b$ H
  再三表示感谢后,杭森目送对方穿过草坪,等人影消失在草坪中的石径尽头,才挑出一把写着“寓所”的钥匙,打开左侧的房门,走了进去。  b4 W0 D& [% t# T$ u

9 m& q8 h0 w" T: s9 t  房间约有三十来个平米,正厅左右各摆着一张床,绣着校徽的崭新床褥整齐地叠放在床头。靠窗边的位置是一张长条桌,桌旁是一扇门,杭森放下行李箱,推开一看,里头是一间浴室,浴缸和淋浴设施齐全。桌前是一扇高大的玻璃窗,旁边则是一道玻璃门,推开玻璃门,是一处长方形的露台。杭森站在露台上,呼吸着清新的空气,嗅着馥郁的花香,望着满眼的古老建筑,一颗心平静而满足。
( ~+ `6 D9 H, d# _) W
1 y6 a6 y/ v& Q, D; {9 i: L  两年前不堪的回忆已经淡了,甚至不刻意去想,故事里的人叫什么名字都忘得差不多了,更何况是细枝末节?杭森将行李箱中的零碎规整一番,想想从明珠岛托运过来的衣物、书籍也差不多该到了,锁上门,准备去餐厅吃饭。+ q( l: I, b# U! y& I; V

: h' ?3 N2 ?: O  摩德林学院的餐厅很美,穹顶有七八米高,正面的墙上挂着历任院长的油画像,画像下头是“高桌”,是正餐时院长和德高望重的教授专座,下面中间一条走廊,两侧摆放着整整齐齐的咖啡色餐桌,每张餐桌供两名学生同时用餐。此时餐厅里人不多,由于不是正式晚宴,杭森随意取了些食物,拉开餐桌上的台灯,坐下吃饭。餐具精美,可惜食物有些难以下咽——面粉裹着生鱼在油锅里炸了一遍,肉还带着些许腥味,杭森皱着眉头勉强把盘子的食物吃完,再走出门时,方才还晴朗的天居然下起雨来。
! S/ D5 a5 t1 s5 i' w! z6 ^
) t. C, I" }) Z8 Q  S  虽然在明珠岛时就听说了花旗国天气多变,一年中只有夏天稍微好过些,其余的时节,雨雪冰雹大雾轮番变化,出门时忘了带伞,初来乍到,自然没人可以借伞,杭森只得淋着雨步行回寓所了。雨却越下越大,院庭里的书被大风吹得倒伏一片,在大雨狂风中行走,眼睛都难得睁开。等回到寓所,杭森的西服沉重得凭空重了四五斤,皮鞋里也全进了水,踩在地板上嘎吱嘎吱的。打开门,冷不丁从露台外开着的玻璃窗里吹入一阵冷风,杭森打了个寒噤,顾不得换衣服,迎着风把风关上了。哆嗦着将贴在身上的西服衬衫脱掉,湿漉漉的袜子内裤也扯了下来丢在盆里,杭森看着镜子的自己——骨肉匀称,比之两年前高了不少,现今差不多快有一米八了,原本稚气未脱的脸,如今成熟了很多,眼大眉浓,眼中的灵秀之气一丝不少,反而因为这两年的学习见识,增添不少。房间里没人,杭森一边幻想自己的室友是什么样的,一边朝脸上打了点泡沫,拿起剃须刀,对着镜子将脸上的胡须仔细剃干净了。) k/ R0 G- {9 Q! p8 p4 Q( n! Q# m

- V8 V& M+ s: q! v2 B: y' C  走出盥洗室,从包里拿出一块毛巾,把身上的水擦了,擦到下身时,不期然生殖器却硬了起来。杭森吐出一口气,暗叹自己都快两年多没做过爱了,在明珠岛事物繁忙,基本都是梦遗居多,鲜少有时间自慰。杭森初次出国,印象中欧洲普遍开放,不知道自己会不会遇到一个心仪的性伙伴呢?
8 J: R: ^8 a# A) d" x1 c: A
, i: x6 ^7 C* t, z4 W  “阿嚏!”杭森一边想着国外的帅哥,一边情不自禁地握住自己的下身捋着,却不合时宜地打了个喷嚏。甩了甩脑袋,暗笑自己想太多,赶紧从包里找了件休闲服穿上了。穿上衣时,用力过猛,被胸前坠着的一颗石头打了个正着,举到眼前,凝神一望,回忆里那个叫闫彬的家伙又浮现出来,他说话的样子、笑容满面的样子、说着对不起的样子……以为忘记的,闪雷似地再次光临,杭森轻扇了自己一巴掌,触手却滚烫一片,淋了雨吹了风,有些发热了。把带着自己体温的石头塞到衣领里,一丝不苟地穿上袜子,套上长裤。穿上一双时髦的黑皮鞋,取了伞,杭森瞥了眼窗外,天有些黑了,雨也小了许多,他准备去按照地图上的指示,去镇上找一家叫做“回春堂”的中医馆买些中成药回来,以备不时之需。
% i/ X$ M; u9 y. }2 m- f- m; q, W: R$ j- D# h
  穿过十字商业街,绕道一个小巷子里,杭森抬头看着眼前这栋中西合并的小二楼——欧洲式的石头建筑,墙上爬满了蔷薇,被雨水打得有些蔫头巴脑的,白色的木门上挂着一个灯箱做成的招牌,西文翻译过来是“理疗馆”,旁边用夏语注明了“回春堂”三个字,让杭森啼笑皆非的是,墙上还贴着对联和门神像,西式的霓虹灯箱两旁甚至挂着两串小灯笼。* y& t0 u; e0 L2 t- ?$ g  @" y6 t- G
7 i1 m1 M. m2 f: j
5 q1 N1 Z5 H% ^0 a, [7 E* t- x. ]/ e# U$ ]4 e
  二楼的房间中,隐隐传来一些含糊的,令人心浮气躁又浮想联翩的奇异声响,早经人事的杭森自然知道,那是做爱时发出的呻吟的喘息。7 l/ P  E+ [: C4 Y$ e7 j5 ^& O
3 ^* W( p* B9 a+ q) a0 G2 H6 x" V
  杭森有些怔怔,想扭头离开,又不想白跑一趟,可打扰别人的雅兴,似乎也不太好意思,一时之间有些进退两难。心里想着:估计是下雨的缘故,老板以为没客人会上门,所以门也没关,就在上头颠鸾倒凤起来。6 [$ W" d& f& B; b
. G8 R3 ], F7 z
& N: u. t% a) _1 v' b
3 H: M/ D% J' [9 r5 q- Q4 v  l& h6 p  “军皓……别……别搞了,下头好像有人来了。”这个声音清脆动听。' \3 F  [! R1 V7 n) z4 o% K  w

% c% q8 p! f  H  ?# D3 y. h1 R& m  “这么大雨,你听错了罢?哪里有人,咱们接着来,你射了两次,我还没到呢,唔……好紧。”后头想起的这声线低沉沙哑。+ V- e4 W* ?! P0 @- T/ @

4 o1 I8 D+ M% G2 g" d  “喔……真不行了,你这么能搞,从下午六点做到现在,都三个多小时了,我骨头都快散了。皓,明天吧,我下楼去看看,被人听到不好。”清脆的声音开始讨饶了。  [* W3 C& P- y7 `6 H, G3 i

$ c5 u) ?' x) c! [  “是谁吃了饭就缠着我要做的?现在知道厉害了?今天不把你这欲求不满的小淫洞填满,我以后跟你姓!”, U6 N4 R3 w6 z& E
! i0 Z( [8 W% N# r$ L
  站在楼下的杭森都能清楚地听到“啪啪”的脆响声,有些脸红心跳起来。在二楼做爱的两人,分明是两个男人。杭森不知道是该庆幸还是该好笑——怎么头一天出来,就能遇到同类?: i- k2 y( p4 S" I* X
6 r1 B( {3 ^% c! }& G! T) w- x5 l
  之前那个清脆的声音嘻嘻笑着,喘着气道:“谁叫你这么帅,下面还这么壮伟,平时也不见你来我这里,好不容易来一次,我肯定要好好吸榨你一次,免得又便宜了别人!喔……军皓,你劲儿太大,弄得我舒服死了。”9 z6 b! C- L8 n* M( X  q$ ^; k7 v
# @2 r1 j) E1 ]+ \2 [
  d4 g8 M1 N7 |0 z) n
; q, X+ j  p' x- i6 R/ q. U/ x  “有人吗?”杭森朝着二楼喊了一声。楼上的呻吟肉响顿时消失,杭森听到那清脆的声音抱怨道:“看吧!真有人,丢人死了。”随即就是穿鞋的声音,调笑声,伴随着“啪”的一声脆响,那声音不悦地喊道:“军皓,都什么时候了,你还拍我屁股?”片刻过后,杭森就见到一双腿出现在楼梯上,慢慢地头脸也看得清楚了。
" g! I' @' @; {. b+ A
. M' q6 y3 Q; V9 u" Q8 k6 n  杭森想:这个衣衫不整的家伙看起来还真是不赖。! a; D5 B* I. }+ ]
( O' r1 h, d/ W
; }/ N$ D# P7 c( @. d! V

" [7 r4 f9 u5 M( i- M


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-24 05:57 | 显示全部楼层
第六十四章 回春堂奇遇: h# s" Q3 s# \) p

  s; t5 ^5 o9 P: G  ┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄
1 d$ ?4 P* [* @, X4 B( t' [$ `& {& o; V0 i* l1 m# D
  来人披着一件白褂子,杭森随意朝下瞟了一眼,褂子的前襟明显凸起,这男的还是处于勃起状态。穿着一双拖鞋,小腿光着,杭森料定对方里头没穿衣服,听到自己的喊声,忙乱中抓了件衣服穿着就急忙下来了。头发略微有些长,挑染了几绺茶色的头发梳成分头,对方发胶打得多,做爱居然没将头发颠散,皮肤极白,一双桃花眼,眼角微微向上勾,特别招人,个子不算太高,比杭森矮了将近一个头。$ n; j1 G5 E* @) V# ?0 Y8 L

! `; O# C3 r" h$ ?3 l# }4 K  对于打扰别人做爱,杭森感觉有些不太好意思,正不知道怎么开口,来人用西语问道:“请问有什么事吗?”一双桃花眼上下打量杭森。
, T2 ?3 q$ J$ U+ L" a( W# q; P
4 }- Q; G$ h$ d- b/ }' n+ o  杭森挠了挠后脑勺,诚心抱歉:“对不起,我不是有意偷听的,我刚进来还以为没有人,等听到声响再走也不太好……”
* w. J; ?" e6 Y; I2 o, n+ ^# z$ S1 T) @5 A! N3 \6 v6 f! N
  来人满脸尴尬,任谁在做爱时被人抓个正着都难免会有些不知所措,见这个不速之客盯着自己的衣服下摆,自己也往下一瞧——好嘛,白色褂子前面被顶起好大一包,赶紧缩回柜台里,勉强把自己的丑态挡住了,将前额散落的茶色发丝往一边捋了捋,似笑非笑地盯着这个高大帅气的青年:“你听了多久?”; U  Q% M. h! M7 W: ^+ W

( ~3 d2 q; s* G5 {7 T" h  因为对方说的是西语,杭森也自然用西语回答,可方才自己无意间偷听到两人做爱时的情话是用夏语说的,连忙解释道:“我是大夏来的学生,说夏语吧。”见对方发现了自己偷看他的下身,杭森也有些不好意思,心想自己真是太长时间没做爱了,见到个不错的男人就往别人下三路瞟,更何况对方还是同志?胡思乱想了一阵,见对方看着自己,又问道:“刚才你问什么?我没太听清……”杭森暗骂自己色迷心窍起来。) n9 P  b1 o0 n1 K- i
( B9 s! `5 d1 g  n$ d# e; Y. ?3 M
  柜台里的人惊喜道:“咦,你也是大夏来的?我还以为你是韩裔或是……”抱歉笑道:“不好意思,你个儿挺高的,鲜少能见到你这么高的夏国留学生,而且穿得这么精致讲究……我听说现在大夏经济不太好……没别的意思,你可别误会。”仔细地又把眼前这个高帅匀称的青年打量了一番,见对方颈窝下面的皮肉紧致细腻,线条优美,一张脸像是刻意雕琢过一样,更难得的是气质绝佳,好奇问道:“沃克弗德的夏国留学生不多,能遇到你,可算是他乡遇故知了,我叫赵一桥,你呢?咱们交个朋友吧?异国他乡的,也算彼此有个照应。”- \& `4 ?) B8 E2 E- i, v! l
- t! E! `" ^/ ~$ \9 ]
/ k  V4 {! Y" N! o' d+ D! w. C& x/ T$ a( G) _
  赵一桥不着痕迹地趁着握手的机会朝对方的手心扣了扣,见对方并未躲闪不悦,心下了然,更是得寸进尺地抓着杭森的手不放,真心实意地笑着开口:“你也喜欢男的?”见杭森点头,赵一桥更是欢喜,决定继续深挖这个优质男的底细,压低声音问道:“那你和男人做过吗?”, z; F4 I, Z: ?1 }  |; |

3 W# I7 H( Q6 _/ L5 Z  杭森有些面红耳赤起来,对于坦诚自己的性向,他倒是没太多顾忌——这本没什么不可对人言的,一个问得自然,一个答得坦荡。只是后一个问题难免过于隐私,没想到两人才刚认识,对方就抛出这么一个露骨的问题来。杭森初来乍到,思维还停留在大夏保守封闭的传统中,对同性恋一词更是讳莫如深,避之唯恐不及,也是巧在异国遇到一个华人,顺嘴说了,没想到千里之外的米旗国,居然能当面问出性爱这样隐私的问题。可想到对方也是和自己一类的人,天然地多了几分亲近,红着脸开口道:“唔……做过,但是不多。”! ?% l( |, v( g4 e. u( P5 u
9 I6 K. d/ U, f5 V8 i* B: T
  “啧啧,真没想到,我还以为大夏那边对咱们同性恋是喊打喊杀的……”赵一桥感叹道,显然觉得杭森能在那样的环境中还能和男人搞过,是件了不起的事,握着杭森的手,双肘撑在木头柜台上,仰脸看着杭森英俊的脸,突兀开口:“亲亲我。”, |$ p- }) Q; d2 Q$ |9 F; D

( O8 {% I3 C7 l( Z5 P5 U  “啊?”杭森瞪大了眼睛,从对方话中的“咱们”一词带来的感动温暖中震惊出声:这是哪儿跟哪啊?这人刚才不正和自己的男朋友做爱吗?怎么转眼间就叫自己亲他……
/ k, t  ?$ a. V1 A/ X2 x2 y9 s2 O9 [) m5 z! a2 x
  杭森此时还未对米旗国这种“因欲而聚,欲销则散” ,互不打扰干涉彼此生活的同志关系有所了解,尤其是对米旗国如浮萍一般的外来人口而言,生活中值得他们烦心的事太多了,精力大多用在如何能在异国他乡让自己生活得更为体面之上,对于肉体这回事,谁也没看得太重——大家都只是纯粹的肉体关系而已,没多余的心力供他们经营一份颇为艰难的同志情。今日可以和对方在床上卿卿我我,你中有我、我中有你,明朝就能在吃完饭冷静礼貌的选择AA,互道晚安,客气疏离。6 A  t" E. u2 \8 K0 ~

' ^* m! ^% c1 G" a* V  “你不也是同志吗?亲亲我,我试试你的吻技如何。”赵一桥虽然在米旗国生活了二十来年,“洋香肠”他也吃过不少,可他还是偏爱亚裔一些,沃克弗德周边的同道他几乎都熟的不能再熟了,如今见到新鲜的杭森,自然见猎心喜。说完嘟着嘴唇期待道。
! H: h6 k6 L! t' @& ~6 G; u4 J) c9 r& q4 E, k  V
4 T3 ^- D" k- W. }8 O$ b
: G1 t) s! K9 S" _5 t  赵一桥闻言一愣,继而哈哈大笑起来,越笑越止不住,甚至咳嗽起来:“咳……我还真没见过……你这么纯情的人,哈哈……楼上那位不是我男朋友……哈哈,男朋友,笑死我了……”杭森错愕地看着面前这个弯着腰大笑不止的人,想要抽出被对方握住的手,拔腿离开。感受到手中传来的力气,赵一桥止住笑,认真地盯着杭森问道:“如果我吻你一下,你不会告我骚扰吧?”( b/ t4 ~9 x2 G3 |1 T$ n% F' g4 f

  n0 [8 T. m3 i/ O  杭森被对方看得有些发慌,讷讷道:“呃……怎么会……”还没说完,半张的嘴就被赵一桥堵了个严丝合缝,对方甚至把舌头伸到自己嘴里,开始兴风作浪起来。杭森一接吻,就特别容易动情,长裤里的性器不由自主地硬了起来,由着赵一桥吮吸着自己的舌头。
4 U9 D7 Y2 ~1 i# a. B+ Z7 w/ D3 j6 X7 C; a+ @
  两人亲了好半天,赵一桥松开了杭森,伸出舌头舔了舔嘴唇,回味道:“味道挺不错的,只是你的吻技还需要锻炼,以后我教你,呵呵。”看着这个发愣的英俊青年,赵一桥越看越爱,问道:“我二十八了,你呢?”因为对方也是大夏国人,赵一桥言谈间也少了许多顾忌,显得随意起来。6 p% F; Z' c2 E/ n; h3 e

$ o; |) |) O; n% S4 f2 e  杭森下身硬得有些难受,不由自主地反握住赵一桥的手,深吸了几口气,平复了下心情,回答道:“我二十了。”说完抬头看了看通往二楼的楼梯口,安安静静的,有些紧张地道:“这……这不太好吧?”杭森心中总有种背着别人男友和对方偷情的紧张瑟缩。/ F( l' D, i5 q7 J) T1 }
* n8 b9 M; E9 {& |
  赵一桥顺着杭森的目光看去,明白了,笑道:“没什么的,他不是我男朋友,我们只是一起做爱而已。”指了指二楼方向,开口道:“他叫军皓,也是大夏来的,家里几代人都在米旗国这边生活,三十好几了,被家里人催婚催得急,干脆跑到这边来避避风头,在十字商业街那边开了间酒吧。有空咱们可以一起去玩。”赵一桥带着杭森修长的手指摩挲着自己的侧脸,像是想起什么来似的,张嘴就问:“杭森,你说你和男人做过,那你是在上面还是在下面啊?”4 r$ }/ [$ G7 \
+ j6 B/ J6 e8 q. O6 g( X& y
  杭森被对方跳跃性的思维弄得应接不暇,不过对杭森而言,对方是他所接触的第一个和自己有着相同性取向的人,而且能在远离家乡的米旗国遇到同样来自大夏的人,心里也有些惊喜和好感,坦率道:“我做过的次数不多,都是在下面的。”% ?4 C& U9 O3 a3 t* L  Y' O

1 s3 g/ k" Y/ C, C  n1 a  “哦,那真遗憾,我也习惯在下面了。”赵一桥闻言有些气馁:这么优质的男人居然跟自己撞型号了。不死心道:“那想不想尝试做上面主动的那方?”1 ?& B  Q* r; f# P" r, o3 t% {
9 a4 b0 G  y$ {+ C
  “这……我还没想过,我也不清楚。你知道的,大夏比较保守,你是我认识的第一个敞开心扉明确告知自己性取向的人。”' n: X, D" `, N6 f

! y/ W2 Y6 O, u/ |- s0 [: O0 u! O) x  “没关系,欧洲这边开放许多,尤其是西北部,你们学校里头甚至还有LGBT的聚会活动,里面和咱们一样的人多了去了,够你认识的,只不过我不太喜欢鬼佬,大多数做爱跟畜生似的一味蛮干,一点也不体贴温柔,而且奇怪的嗜好也多,我都是找亚裔的。”说话间,把杭森的食指含进嘴里,细细舔着。1 p" ^, y* V" C0 _

8 Y! u- q1 j6 E) Y  杭森想要抽回自己的手指,却被对方极具技巧的舔弄搞得有些悸动。他能感觉得到,自己的内裤已经湿了,心里不由自嘲:开了荤的年轻男人,稍微撩拨一下就难以自持了。: r( v* h: E; z4 i* b( W8 P
$ m+ F0 _0 X" l0 T
5 _5 ~% {1 Z& Z4 Y1 X: Y! k  J# X8 \$ F: L: a- ^4 r& G- e' Q- z/ W
  杭森这才记起自己的初衷,开口道:“今天淋了雨,有些发热,出来开点药的。”! r+ E/ [' ~2 w& w2 U
8 W. G+ Y! u1 N" g) h; _. s& B
  赵一桥有些疑惑:“沃克弗德里面有诊所啊?”, m' C5 |/ y4 C: }

8 n0 t6 ]  O8 g& ]) d' O& X  “哦,我习惯吃中成药了,小时候生过病,用药过量了,西药对我不太管用。之前朋友介绍说你这里能够买到中药,我就赶过来了。”
" ~0 ~, b8 V6 c; Z  v" w: ?( Y. p6 C, S$ V
- m2 ~- h1 [2 N% K7 s+ ^8 |0 j' S( Q* I; W, Z" ], p6 n" ^
  “我知道我知道,谢谢你了,一桥,我不会告诉别人的。”杭森接过药来,从衣兜里掏出钱来递给对方,却被赵一桥推了回来:“杭森,咱们也是有缘,这边夏国留学生本就不多,何况咱们还多一份共同点,说好的做朋友的。再说这药也值不了几个钱,改天请我吃顿饭就行。”见对方言辞恳切,杭森也就不再坚持了。2 W  P4 q- a& }9 O5 {

  I+ d: @4 C6 x: e, k, u  “那就谢谢你了,一桥,改天一定请你吃饭,我先回去了。”杭森挥手道别,走到门边,发现自己立在门边的伞没了踪影,再一看连绵的雨丝,踌躇一番之后,回过头来说:“一桥,我的伞不见了,能不能借我把伞?我明天给你送过来。”
6 c4 \" C( A5 o4 ?& `! A
1 I0 [$ |2 {" S# M  赵一桥笑道:“这边偷自行车的倒是挺多,雨天偷伞的也不少,你刚才应该把伞拿进来的。”指了指门边的一个金属架子:“下次下雨,你可以把伞放在那里。”说罢回头朝二楼喊了声:“军皓,麻烦你拿把伞下来。”回过头来对杭森说道:“杭森,你先坐着,喝点儿什么?咖啡还是茶?”3 s0 Y6 c0 g  _: g

" _+ O* J8 C1 q9 u8 h# [5 C  军皓躺在床上早就将楼下二人的对话听了个一清二楚,他知道,赵一桥这人眼界颇高,不帅不干净身材不好的人根本入不了他的法眼,既然他能看上楼下这个雨夜前来买药的夏国留学生,说明对方条件不错。沃克弗德镇的夜晚异常宁静,雨声被阻隔在外,楼下两人那些坦诚自己性取向的谈话,虽然杭森刻意压低了声音,军皓依然一丝不漏的听了个正着。这个小镇的同志圈子军皓混得比赵一桥还要熟悉一些,见来见去就是那么几张一成不变,看得都有些腻味的脸了,如今好不容易有了新人,军皓怎么能放过?虽然他不似赵一桥那般对亚裔有着执着的偏爱,对他来讲,无论是亚裔还是老外,只要能让他看得上眼的,他都不排斥和对方发生性关系。军皓听着楼下两人的煽情对话,脑中不断勾勒幻想着杭森的模样,原本还未射精的鸡 巴又微微有些充血,再听到杭森亲口承认自己习惯在下面,军皓更是大喜——他虽然不排斥做零,可他更喜欢在性爱中掌握主动权。凭借自己这副样貌身材,以及胯下的大鸡 巴,哪个同志能把持得住?尤其是自己在同志圈混迹了十几年,对于如何挑起对方的欲望,早就锻炼得如火纯情了。之前自己看上的那些表面纯情的雏儿,经过自己一番言语撩拨,加之身体诱惑后,还不是乖乖趴在床上撅着屁股让自己操?
2 z* i  j4 d* S# q* a# ~
) R' K( @# J) T. s  此时听到赵一桥叫自己拿伞下去,军皓见自己出场的时机到了,一骨碌翻身下床,也不穿衣服,站在镜子前,取了点油往自己胸肌、手臂、以及粗壮的大腿上胡乱抹了几把,显得油光闪闪的,对自己在健身房坚持练了十来年的身材,军皓是极为自负的——胸型是难以练成的方形,手臂几乎和常人的大腿一般粗壮,八块腹肌整齐地码在腹部,两侧肌肉纹理同样清晰,像京剧脸谱上夸张的眉毛一般,斜斜向上排列在身体两侧,臀部也是极为挺翘的,甚至勒出几条肉线,坠在臀瓣下方,这副自己坚持不懈挥汗如雨养成的的雄壮男体,是自己在同志圈混得如鱼得水的最大本钱,这副身体对于同志而言,是最为致命的毒药,就算他赵一桥再如何喜新厌旧,可始终痴迷于自己的身体,这一点,军皓心知肚明,也暗自得意。对着镜子露出一个充满男人味的蛊惑笑容,端起桌上的漱口水噙了一口,咕隆隆把嘴仔细漱过一遍,把漱口水吐到马桶里,咧嘴看看了自己洁白的牙齿,满意地轻笑起来。拿了伞正准备抬脚下楼,略一想,又停住了脚步,伸手握着自己的下身,稍稍刺激了一番,让鸡 巴显得再胀大一些,而又未完全勃起的状态,套上一条暗红色的三角子弹内裤,将阴茎压着朝前,调整了下位置,垂头一看,龟头把内裤前襟撑出好大一个凸起,方才施施然拿着雨伞下楼。9 F: ~7 u+ i" [4 y2 [  `
$ J8 j7 q* ~7 U' U0 a+ Y* l- D
" e0 K) ?1 w+ A0 b# r$ d, X
% a; f9 C# k( a. ^: H  见那个叫杭森的帅气青年正盯着自己看,军皓暗自窃喜,他眼神好,隔着十来米远也能看到杭森眉疏目朗的帅气样子,个头也高,赵一桥再军皓眼里,算得上英俊好看的了,可和这个坐在沙发上的青年对比起来,差得显然不只是一星半点儿,军皓脑中把自己这十来年见过的帅哥迅速过了一遍,竟然找不到一个能和杭森相比较的。对着杭森呆滞的目光,抖了抖胸,两片胸肌带着乳头颤动起来,像一双眼睛似的,对着杭森怒目而视。杭森赶紧垂下头,不敢再看,咳嗽两声,掩饰自己的不自然。9 O# }$ I% p1 i4 ?
: E0 s' g1 U9 C8 |* k4 y8 V
3 z) s' {( a2 P) F& F2 T8 g1 _) e4 O( Y; J1 z
1 u8 S' T# h6 O% m2 w
0 P, D( q+ N3 f+ H
# _& x" f: Z& f! o9 c1 Z' ~7 Y1 j$ q, f$ ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-24 05:59 | 显示全部楼层
第六十五章 雨中厮磨8 P0 H9 ]- s4 Q

$ E4 a" {8 P8 N) b$ ~1 I  ┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄1 c" O7 t7 X2 I# G6 v; t' K" k' C

. M% e- I- F, Y  y9 v  “这不穿着的吗?”军皓赤脚站在木楼梯上,无所谓地拉了拉紧小的内裤带子,“噼啪”声中,杭森更是尴尬起来。而军皓这个始作俑者对此似乎一无所觉,朝站在柜台后的赵一桥点了点头,脚掌一动,慢悠悠朝着坐在沙发上的杭森走去。“你叫杭森对吧?我叫军皓,在米旗国,雨伞简直就是第二生命,可不能随意丢下,呵呵。来,伞给你。”. Z! f6 D: Y8 [% @" [- Z! G
" S; Z7 N/ }. ^" K) ?, k0 R
" ^$ h2 e6 i( V. ~4 N1 ?& K4 B5 L/ t' ]5 W3 s+ X
  一双脚筋凸起的大脚出现在杭森的眼底,由于脚掌主人身体前倾的缘故,脚趾微微弯曲,紧紧扣着木地板。随着对方身体的靠近,杭森甚至能闻到对方刚经历过性事之后的身体散发出的强烈体味,汗腥、油脂、情液的混合气息,被这具健硕的男人身体内的高温一蒸,将不知所措的杭森整个人都包裹起来,虽然看不见也摸不着,却毫不费力地将杭森对性爱的渴望托举而起,直冲凌霄。他现在极度地需要一副温暖的怀抱,需要强而有力的支撑,和挑逗魅惑、甚至是凶狠野蛮的占有。对于爱,他怕了,他此后,只想享受痛快淋漓的无爱之性,对杭森来说,这是在他心灰意冷之后、忙碌追求之中的最后一块私有领地,可以容着他恣意地享受刻板生活中的最后一丝不带理智的叛逆。& q/ T  X, ^! w: X6 n

: G5 t8 n2 g) r7 C* e  杭森的外套比较轻薄,因此他能清晰地感觉得到对方手掌的温度,方才那惊鸿一瞥的雄壮肌体,此时就站在自己面前,杭森决定放手一搏。他抬起头来,一张脸正对着包裹在暗红色内裤中直直撑起的阴茎,从那处散逸而出的味道并不浓烈,甚至是好闻的,它是男人身上最为私密独特的气味,只在交欢中向着同自己身体厮磨的对象展示。杭森原本以为他已经淡忘了这股味道,此时被这萦绕在鼻端的腥膻味一冲,各种桃色的幻想情景纷至沓来,艰难地站起身,开口道:“谢谢。下次我会注意的。”说完伸手去接对方递过来的雨伞。
: c) u  a- t: m' W1 G# A7 S) S" e4 z% B
* {0 r' e7 f2 d' H8 z
6 z. U. P! ~/ w, }, Q3 C9 }2 h  杭森被对方挑逗得脸烧心跳,接过雨伞后,歪着身子对赵一桥说了声:“谢谢你了,一桥,改日请你吃饭。我先回去了,Bye。”8 `. Y% R* b- S3 n- B

6 R+ ?- ?0 F* B( s* C" k3 [- @) b! z9 y  走出门外,杭森吐了口浊气。拍了拍自己有些发木的脸颊,撑起雨伞,抬起灌铅般沉重的双腿,怅然无比地朝寓所走去。
8 `+ E$ l; c: Q1 K" n- p% a! p% n5 T* P3 h7 p
( V1 p& E6 ~7 s( J  _
# s# ]/ T, b0 ~8 J' w  杭森不得不承认——自己期望能与军皓上床。! N  v: y/ U  ]) A

5 g: [. Y% ^8 E  g/ A# N: R' Z  走在无人的石子路上,杭森幻想着自己正同对方身体交缠,耳鬓厮磨,冷不防从旁边的小巷里伸出一只手,把自己拉向一片漆黑之中。杭森还来不及惊惶,熟悉低沉的声音已在耳边响起:“杭森,是我。”说着还将脸移到街边商店橱窗里透出的光线里,好让杭森看清楚些。0 H1 p! R5 V5 ~
# k- q( ^, O  ^0 e4 x) @  i
& Q! r) v* h+ r: p5 Y$ P6 R& @
; e2 ^/ Z9 M0 C4 L) y! z" ~  见对方认出了自己,军皓又缩回阴影里,背靠着墙壁,将杭森有些发抖的身体圈到自己怀里,凝视着对方在黑暗中依然闪着光的眼睛道:“知道你会从这边经过,我抄近路过来的。”整张脸朝着杭森贴近,两人旋即成了额头贴额头,鼻尖碰鼻尖的姿势。“杭森,第一眼我就喜欢上你了,你呢,喜欢我么?”
$ `- }% E, y6 |% }, m* s/ L
: v6 |) l0 V. q* |/ _( c  手里的雨伞已经落到地上,杭森被对方的胡须撩得有些心乱,伸手撑着军皓的前胸,本能地想要摆脱两人间这暧昧的姿势,入手却是一团柔韧而充满弹性的肌肉,双手顿时失了力道,握成拳,只用双肘撑在军皓的身前。被对方鼻孔里呼出的气流一再刷过,心想:这算是如愿以偿了吗?最终也同军皓一般,伸手搂住了对方的结实的腰干,靠在军皓暖烘烘的胸前,喟叹道:“我也一样。”
) `2 E" t1 g% Y' i; b; k
- s5 E, R- F: Y" F7 F  黑暗中看不清军皓的表情,杭森仅能从对方箍着自己腰杆的手臂再次收紧了一些上判断出——军皓此时是欣喜的。“我好高兴,真的!我从没见过你这么好看,气质又好的人。杭森,我可以吻吻你么?”军皓没等到答复,杭森已经将嘴唇贴了上来。杭森此刻只想好好吻一吻这个阳刚健壮的成熟男人,除此之外,别无他念。
% u& t6 c( w1 C, p" R3 T( V. c5 V9 c9 r4 g3 Z9 p; I  p
* _  ?+ c# V. }- J  A' a, p( C: a8 k( U6 h
/ _4 w" p$ s$ e7 ?
! P7 O* P3 F' {7 H5 B; I  军皓出来时漱过口,唾液带着薄荷清香,就算没有这股清爽的味道,光是阳刚帅男的分泌物这点,就让禁欲两年多的杭森无从拒绝。见对方还要自己的口水,军皓干脆用力一吸,将杭森的整条舌头裹吸到自己嘴里,张大嘴巴,放松喉部,让唾液自然分泌,好给这个自己一眼看中的小伙子更多的安慰。杭森闭着眼睛,如饥似渴地吻戏着军皓的舌尖,吞食着对方口腔中涌出的唾液,却又期盼更多,探入对方衣内的手掌用力一带,军皓壮实的身体又贴近了几分,杭森仰着头,喉结滚动,不停地索取、探求。军皓满嘴的唾液被杭森连番吮吸,早就没了,嘴里干得有些难受,而杭森的反应又让他欣喜无比——没料到自己原以为青涩羞怯的青年,在性爱上竟然如此敏感配合,军皓心底直呼自己真是捡到宝了。舌上微微用力,脱离了杭森嘴唇的掌控,张嘴扣住杭森的唇瓣,引领着对方的舌尖再次探出,连忙用自己的厚舌,绕着那条嫩滑的舌尖一轮一轮地律动起来。杭森不时被军皓唇边的短须刮刺到,一颗心如同遭受持续而不间断的电刑一般,麻痒舒爽,军皓的舌头朝左转,他就向右旋,两条舌头阴阳鱼似的,在紧扣在一处的口腔中欢快游动,一双手用力地抚摸揉按着军皓结实的背部肌肉。
% }3 {- M! _& N9 K$ c" |) \! V) s9 r& g  H2 v
  两人在小巷内吻得如痴如醉、荡气回肠。杭森喘着粗气松开军皓的舌头,仰脸看着军皓的方正脸庞,没头没脑地问了一句:“你多大了?”# r. w& D- ^: ]+ S: Y# i! _
/ y3 y+ m3 `1 J* }4 z2 l# n* _- F( C( Y
  军皓一愣,笑道:“三十八了,怎么?你不喜欢吗?”! b1 q6 B7 T1 f( G# g! m
- r) x) X0 o. ]+ [( C$ b; E
3 d# B  g5 h: q4 s- B" N  q; Z* ~) B- ^6 O3 Z( s: V% k1 Y7 o
  见杭森不出声,军皓歪着脑袋,用鼻尖蹭了蹭对方,再次问道:“是不是觉得我年纪太大了?”" F: O' ~$ P8 ]( E2 \0 I* l* P

5 n( I2 x4 x: l2 Q" i  杭森惊醒过来,揽着军皓粗壮的腰身,吻了对方一下:“没有,只是觉得你很年轻,看起来不像是三十八岁的样子。”
. @! I7 w6 E. u! g
) M! n$ x# P" M" p/ O" O1 R  军皓呵呵一笑:“我还以为你嫌我年纪比你大太多。我跑健身房跑了十多年,不开店时,就打打网球、骑骑马,运动多了,自然显得年轻些。”舔了舔嘴唇,叹道:“杭森,你硬了,正顶着我的睾丸。”, _% Q" \' ]3 L6 ]) _! }) o. \8 M$ V

) e9 ^* f! V* R5 {  杭森抽手,伸到军皓的内裤里,握住对方的性器,开口道:“你不也一样?还流了这么多水……”军皓急着来追杭森,出门时随意套了条运动裤就出来了,没有皮带,自然方面杭森下手。
: v. U2 A/ ^. E8 r$ Q. n! C! ?  @7 R; p# o
9 |# d' q" J- y# I, ^: E  _* k5 |
: V+ p4 U6 a1 L4 }  杭森用拇指将马眼里渗出的浴液涂抹到整颗龟头之上,听着军皓“嘶嘶”喘气,哑着声音道:“很粗……也很长,我自然是喜欢的。”* `  i$ X& Y5 A8 a; K8 g

3 O+ T2 Z, _7 g. S' x  军皓听见对方赞美自己的生殖器,也不顾还飘着雨,小巷的石子路上还满是积水,索性把裤子向下一扯,运动裤卡在脚踝处,双腿向前撑着,背靠在墙壁上,用力一托,将杭森整个人举到自己身前:“张开腿。”杭森顺从地分开腿,被军皓带着跨坐到对方胯间,一根肉屌支撑在自己的会阴下面,四处不着力让杭森身体本能前倾,整个上半身靠到军皓斜斜倚着的身体上,两条长腿亦步亦趋地缠住对方光裸的腿根。% t# a9 f% P5 V" n0 w0 I

* y7 H! ?& A2 u8 }# k$ ~  “喔,杭森,你身体真是柔软。”说话间,军皓熟练地将杭森的皮带松了,单手托着杭森的臀部,轻松写意地就让长裤脱离了杭森的臀瓣。“嘶……你皮肤这么好,擦得我鸡 巴好酸。”说罢又再度吻上了杭森的嘴唇。' q+ w# b! n, I3 i0 D. p/ N

& t5 G! E9 B+ R0 m/ Q9 t8 Q$ M  杭森脑中轰隆作响,虽然他也想和军皓做爱,可真到了这一刻到来的时候,他又有些犹豫起来:是不是太快了?再一想:反正各取所需罢了,哪来的快与慢之分?同时也惊叹起军皓的力量来——自己近一米八的个头,一百五十来斤的体重,对方居然轻轻松松就把自己托着骑跨在腰胯之上,这腰力是有多好?& u4 J) {5 [2 r  g
" U( r$ g8 f7 D$ B% P
  军皓不晓得此时杭森脑中正经历着天人交战,忘情地舔吻着对方的嘴唇。难免地,被杭森丰腴的下阴紧紧夹着的肉屌,也试探着朝杭森的肛门进发,水腻腻,油灿灿的硕大龟头被杭森的肛毛挠扫划拨,简直痒到脚底,酥至头皮,军皓用力吮吸着杭森的舌头,誓要将方才对方从自己这里巧取豪夺的口水,连本带利一齐收回来,胯部的力气也被嘴上的动情带动着加大了不少。杭森能感觉得到,军皓一颗龟头几乎就要突破自己肛门的防线了,连忙用手按着那颗悸动弹跳着的水润龟头,挣扎着缩回舌头:“别……没套。”恰在这时,旁边驶过一辆车,橘黄的车灯让杭森清楚地看见了军皓因情欲渐浓而纠结在一起的立体五官,这才想起,两人还是在户外,连忙催促道:“快放我下来,被人看见了怎么解释?”。9 g& M; s# z  H2 W' w' K0 X

" F* t; H/ H! ^% k) b8 ?  军皓憋着劲又朝杭森挡着自己龟头的掌心顶撞了几个来回,喘着粗气道:“我和别人做都是戴套的……包括赵一桥。而且我每半年都会体检一次,没有什么暗疾,你经验不多,我一看便知,我是真的想和你无套做一次。至于被旁人看见,你不用担心的,这里大多是来自世界各地的人,谁能认识谁?而且……这路边经常有人借着黑暗做爱,不会有人来管的。杭森,你难道不想要我进去吗?”说完还挺了挺肉屌,对着杭森的下阴拍打而去。
8 j) [- u/ v+ O/ k  s) s& X0 V
8 [; D( z. L4 H" ]0 e, C1 G3 n  杭森摇了摇头:“真的不行。”
5 R7 z; J6 l' a7 V: @1 p' h
7 @, d" C/ `' E1 }: F0 G  r0 m1 [  军皓虽然欲火焚身,可依然尊重对方的意见,伸手摸了摸裤兜,企图能找出一个安全套来,翻了个底朝天也没找到,无奈道:“出来急了,没带套子。”可面对杭森这么一个优质男,军皓不愿如此轻易放弃,今天是天时地利人和全占了,倘若把这场性爱推到以后,不知道还会不会如此顺利,恳切道:“杭森,今晚就别回去吧?我就住在十字商业街附近,我真的很想和你做爱。”
% O8 ~- E* R- S9 x
8 I' w) }4 B$ p! j  “那赵一桥……他知道了怎么办?”杭森同军皓一样的心思,他也想和这个雄壮无比的阳刚男人水乳交融。. o  K0 e/ s# ^' P+ d0 L8 A

1 K0 U( u9 ~7 p  “嗨,我和他真没什么关系,我们同志,本就有些见不得光,虽说这边风气比大夏那边开明许多,可也不至于光明正大地搞到一起。我也不爱谈什么感情,合适了大家就一起做做爱,当个消遣而已,不必劳心费力地去猜去想。生活这么丰富多彩,我不愿吊死在一棵树上,多见见不同的人,多好?可我刚见到你,就被你吸引了,如果你也愿意,在咱俩都厌烦之前,我很想和你保持固定的关系,至于赵一桥,你用不着担心,我也只是他众多性伴中的一个而已。”说着呼了口气,认真地盯着杭森的眼睛,缓缓道:“说真的,我挺幸运的,本来今天我是不打算去他那的,后来他缠着不放,我就去了。还好我没拒绝他,不然我就遇不到你了。”1 o8 Q4 E5 {0 F1 l

6 ]( |- S4 [- D0 f! T4 i8 N  这种纯粹的性关系,是杭森求之不得的,他也不愿再和男人有除却性之外的任何联系了。再一想,还有三天的时间才正式开学,开口道:“先放我下来。”军皓有些错愕,难道对方真不想和自己做爱?自己对同志的吸引力,军皓还是很自信的,闻言有些被打击到了。“你不放我下来,我怎么和你回去?”杭森接着说道。/ I1 H4 j4 h7 I! r* T/ f; r

8 p3 L7 [  a0 H; O; J  军皓大喜过望,亲了杭森的额头一下,说道:“你说话间隔这么长,我差点被你打击到。”放下杭森,将脚踝处的裤子一拉,再体贴地将杭森的裤子拉起,系上皮带,拉着杭森的手:“走吧,咱们今晚好好做一次。”
' U" N! Y% k5 F. g( `
  C% o( V7 Q4 z8 R1 O+ x1 k: |& H% Z0 ~4 h, r

/ H# y) J) ^; X& v+ G+ b


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-24 06:00 | 显示全部楼层
第六十六章 弃我去者,昨日之事不可留
$ j/ u' [* T" `5 V+ D5 M
  ┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄% i# ^* [- `1 b  ^

: C# U% ?- r1 u6 i; o  军皓的住所位于沃克弗德十字商业街西侧靠近车站的地方,米旗国的商铺一到周末,基本都处于闭门锁户的状态,再加上是雨天,街上更是难得见到一个人影。在陌生的环境里,杭森难得地放开心怀,仍由军皓牵着自己的手走在雨中的街道上。; |1 O! ]$ s/ s1 v
; ~* \# l: @* f: s  G! U1 r6 \& t
  跟着军皓走到一处亮着霓虹灯的酒吧门口,军皓掏出钥匙打开挂着CLOSE牌子的玻璃门,一进到熟悉的环境中,军皓迫不及待地将杭森压到墙边痛吻起来。杭森自然热情回应,他喜欢对方的身体,如同囚笼般的禁锢让他感觉到踏实。军皓捧着杭森的脸,细碎的吻不断落到他的眉眼脸颊之上,最终噙住杭森的嘴唇,攫取起杭森口中的唾液来。杭森一翻身,攻守异位,将军皓压到墙边,用憋了一路的情欲回敬起对方的撩拨来。军皓托着杭森的后脑,手指插到对方半长的发丝间,将对着自己唇舌进攻的脸再度用力按压过来。两人都喘着粗气,撕扯着自己身上的衣物,踢掉鞋子,动作间两张嘴依旧纠缠着,终于,急切凶猛的动作导致脚下不稳,杭森被卡在脚踝处的裤子绊了一下,身体后仰倒下,慌乱中勾住军皓的腰,一带之下,两人都重重的摔倒在地板上。/ i4 Y/ o# I5 I! [( ^

+ D8 O- i- O; X2 F  玻璃门外的红色光线闪烁着,将两张脸孔印得忽明忽暗。突然,杭森和军皓一同哈哈大笑起来。杭森眉眼带笑,等气息平复了些,开口问道:“你手没事吧?”两人跌落的时候,军皓用手护住了杭森的头。
* P2 h9 c! g2 g" t5 F; e% W2 e/ R& B, T( X
/ \: E/ K4 T& V6 I3 C4 V
6 [. M) A, V5 Y# o" C  “两年多没做爱了,你还勾引我……”0 k4 F. p8 _; q% M  g( r

, `) K: [+ v# X2 |  军皓注意到了说这话时,杭森脸上闪过一丝痛苦,心底叹了口气——哪个同志没有阴暗发霉的痛苦回忆?他聪明地不去询问,“咱们上楼去吧,楼下是酒吧,我房间在楼上。”说着撑起身体来,朝杭森伸出一只手。杭森借力站起,将脚踝处的裤子彻底剥离身体,在绚烂迷离的灯光下原地缓缓转了个圈,朝军皓问道:“满意吗?”8 a: O/ K# ?7 v8 h4 M9 ]
+ l$ O; B; W% s1 a
  两年时光的蜕变,此时的杭森长高了许多,腰细腿长,肩宽背阔,全身的皮肤像是牙雕饰品一般,散发着蛊惑人心的洁白光晕,但绝不是苍白,而是像包浆浓厚的白瓷一般,由内向外氲散着沉淀其中的光泽。自小养成的长跑习惯,让抽长的身体并不显得瘦弱,反而形成覆盖着全身的一层紧实匀称的薄薄肌肉,恰似一具经过抛光保养后的维纳斯雕像,健康、自然、美好。胯部的阴毛柔软滑顺,从肚脐开始统一向下生长,一点也不张扬,军皓第一次觉得:男人的私毛也能长得这么好。杭森背朝他时,玻璃门边的红色灯光斜斜朝着裸露的挺翘臀部照射而至,军皓咽了口吐沫,心想:没脱衣服时,只觉得他又帅又散发着一股说不清道不明的独特气质,脱了衣服再一看,简直只能用“完美”二字来形容。在米旗国看多了羸弱病态或者粗壮如熊的同志,眼前纤长结实如野草般蓬勃旺盛的杭森,让军皓心痒难耐,伸腿将运动裤蹬了,朝杭森伸出手臂,艰难开口:“来,咱们去楼上。”杭森矫健地跃到军皓的怀抱里,手箍着对方肌肉贲起的肩膀,双腿轻松无比地搭在军皓肉厚的臀瓣上,贴着对方耳边轻吹了口气:“走吧。”% Z9 t0 W2 i. m$ J- A

. {. }& Q! `9 m. v% r  两人上到二楼,杭森打量了一番军皓的卧室,一张大床占了卧室近一半的面积,床头亮着十来颗或橙或黄的暗灯,墙上挂着一幅披头士的海报。“洗澡吗?”军皓开口问道。) x% a6 W2 D  H( G

( [  {* X% c: J/ I" o7 T  “嗯,冲一下,刚才在巷子里被淋湿了。”
# o* S! z1 t5 M, [/ Z5 i, b' P* }- h
$ a7 r/ g& h; A; S  c  军皓很快洗好了,知道杭森还要清洁肛门,自己先走了出来,将唱针压下,唱片开始匀速转动。
( Y' G6 _: O3 ]5 @+ g9 y9 T2 a
0 Y4 C" b7 u! p6 `  杭森推开洗手间的门走了出来,入耳便听到披头士的《Yesterday》,沙哑的男音唱着Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be,There's a shadow hanging over me.(霎时间,我与过往判若两人,他的身影总挥之不去),不禁愣了愣。直到一双强健的手臂从身后环住自己,杭森才回过神来,侧着脑袋说道:“亲亲我。”
& }$ T" |0 O$ z; O4 R0 o- z% ~2 X& d# |' T2 x; G- u" E' e
0 {& a' B% A7 ^3 R; F' @" i- g9 q% h! E( c# p9 ?
; }, ?) [0 X# m( X5 t
1 W# F# E* g! U3 N( I0 z  杭森闻言睁开眼睛,回转身体,退后几步,惊讶道:“你怎么穿成这样……”忽而又笑了起来:“你这是还要勾引我吗?”; j3 d" ?! |  t
+ U  A. g! Y$ w* i; }" c: j
  此时军皓光裸着的雄壮上身,绑着一件类似背带的由黑色皮革制成的物事,两根四指来宽的皮带绕着肩头,从腋下穿过,形成一个圆,绑缚着军皓本就粗壮无比的厚实肩膀,两个圈住肩膀的皮带中间,由两条同样粗细的皮带连接着,紧紧地箍着本就硕大结实的两片胸大肌,由于皮带向后拉扯的缘故,军皓的一对壮胸此时显得更加外凸挺拔,绑缚导致胸部充血,两片胸肌被卡在皮带中间,像山丘般鼓胀而起。这种男人的力量阳刚,被这一对厚壮的男人大胸彰显得淋漓尽致,杭森情不自禁上前几步,将手掌贴到较之之前更显坚硬的肌肉之上。军皓看到杭森眼中流露而出的迷离,呵呵一笑,收腹压肩,夹在两根皮带中的胸部顿时在杭森的手掌下面弹跳起伏起来。见杭森只顾盯着自己的胸部看,军皓开口道:“再看看下面。”杭森视线下移,军皓跨间同样是一件皮质的三角内裤,不,比三角裤还要小一号,前襟只能勉强遮住下阴,原本是内裤腰带的地方刻意设计成一个U形,专门将男人的阴毛裸露出来。军皓的阴毛是特意修剪过的,并不杂乱,腹间的剃得短些,生殖器周围的略长,杭森抚摸着对方胸肌的手往下一滑,触碰起对方裸露在外的短密阴毛来,毛刺刺的有些扎手,可杭森爱极了。“杭森,送你一份礼物,你将拉链拉开看看。”杭森这才注意到这条皮质内裤前裆处有一条自下而上的拉链,伸手碰了碰被束缚在紧身内裤里火热的硕大,杭森将手挪到军皓的睾丸处,缓缓将拉链打开,皮质的内裤前襟像是两扇被缓缓打开的大门般,左右分开,随之而来的,是一根缓缓抬头的男人鸡 巴,想是刚才被勒得有些狠了,好不容易冲破藩篱,顿时耀武扬威般上下点起头来。
- x5 _$ K5 x9 V0 I* Z$ a1 W4 Z1 \  Y+ l# C- ]! m7 T5 Q( B
  “喜欢吗?”军皓贴近了些,用胯间的生殖器轻点着杭森还沾着水迹的大腿根部。' C2 [7 u5 G: m4 d0 h! l

% l; W# ^; E7 j6 D4 X  杭森是头一回经历男人赤裸裸地炫耀自己的雄性魅力。即便心里没有丝毫爱意,可并不妨碍他欣赏这具男人味十足的躯体,反而是因为没有爱,才更能客观地评价这副身体的优劣,杭森不得不承认——军皓此时的样子,太他妈威武阳刚了。杭森喉头有些干涩,咽了口唾沫,由衷赞美道:“好性感!”6 D- }4 j' V8 Y
* D/ e0 w$ G5 h5 D
  军皓两条套在皮环里的大手臂搂着看呆了的杭森,用侧脸的胡须蹭着杭森:“你喜欢就好。”刚说完,潮湿的唇片便向着杭森的脖子、耳根、锁骨、乳头上吻来,柔软地、带着因欲火临身而灼热无比的温度,不断地吸啜着杭森的皮肤。脸颊上黑压压的胡茬,刮得杭森低吟了一声,身体瞬间被对方的高温融化,软软朝后仰着,向军皓展示自己柔软身躯的各个角落。军皓赶紧伸出强壮有力的手臂,托着杭森弯折的腰杆。杭森双腿缠上军皓的身体,整个人坠在这具雄壮男体的下方,被对方轻易地压到绵软的床上。/ H( a. P( ^) F/ W6 S1 g: Z/ `- g% `

& f' F' ^! W2 T+ V  身体有了支撑,军皓的手掌离开触感极佳的柔韧腰杆,用右手食指轻柔地按压着杭森的肛门,左手抓起对方的手,往自己的鸡 巴带,一起裹搓着自己胯间硬挺的生殖器。杭森感觉到那根原本就足够坚硬的鸡 巴,在几秒的时间内,又再次撑开自己包覆着它的手掌,逐渐膨胀、伸长、发热、跳动的男人勃起过程,通过手上的触感,清晰无比地传递到杭森脑中。强烈的性力量,由这根鸡 巴的肉实手感、坚硬强劲、滚烫温度,连续不断地刺激着杭森的快感神经,他的理智被完全摧毁,所思所想,全副身心,皆由手中握着的阳具控制着。+ {1 e8 j$ S; g9 t0 s0 Z
7 M2 f( \2 ~, X$ @9 ~" i
, _5 L7 I( l" |) a2 O, l/ h
. N1 t5 m2 D4 K, s2 B  杭森爱不释手地抚摸着这根不断在自己手中挺动着的热力迸发的肉棒,心里暗道:成年男人都是这样充满力量的么?再被军皓满身雄赳赳、鼓胀丰满的肌肉一压,终于忍受不住,渴盼起最为实在的相连来。) f/ f# i' k# M6 C% s) `' N: Z
3 o7 x2 o) _+ P4 V0 y! \8 O
  唱片机里的沙哑男声唱着Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play/ ]( a( U. W& _+ |5 ~, u0 ?  }6 t& n
; Z3 R6 ^2 c. G$ r( m
  Now I need a place to hide away(爱情曾是如此简单纯粹,如今我只想躲闪逃避),杭森仰着脑袋,轻咬了一下军皓的耳朵,邀请道:“军皓,操我。”
  y% K( \" }& f  u6 S
$ x: `# R* n' X: Y6 T  抠挖了一阵,军皓也觉得即将兵戎相见、争锋相对的“战场”足够油滑了,起身拿了一个套,箍在生殖器上,同样挤了些油涂抹在上头。抬起头见杭森正盯着自己动作,脸上露出打趣的神情:“看什么?”' j, W5 m, a# r, M
# r8 o4 m  I% d7 l. Z0 a. j4 v4 p
5 v2 u# z& @7 g; s
2 j5 F; K6 l/ d6 I# `! i5 v  “再亮,进到你里面也什么都看不见了。”略顿了顿,“不过你能感觉得到……火热?哈哈,杭森,准备好了吗?”军皓扯了扯不太舒服的下身——这套子已经是大号的了,刚戴上去,仍然勒得他有些难受。军皓握着长度惊人的阳具,用肥硕的龟头拍打着杭森的屁股,“来,跪在床上背对着我,咱们先试试这个姿势。”杭森依言而行,等了半晌,期待中的充实感未曾到来,军皓只是用龟头顶按着自己的肛口,杭森有些难耐起来,扭身抓着身后这根正处于亢奋状态的阳具,眼看着着翘起的茎干跟毛茸茸的鼠蹊形成一个U形,简直是垂直勃起的角度,杭森抓着它,隔着橡皮套抚摸着茎干上凸起的精索和两侧的凹陷,这根生殖器,与“那人”的光滑不同,青筋盘绕,显得狰狞极了,颜色也比“那人”的,要深一些,整根肉柱呈现着深棕的颜色。杭森拿起床上的润滑油,挤了些在手心,探向未被安全套包裹住的炙热睾丸,温柔地把玩起军皓卵袋里的两颗肉弹来。
# [* t9 ?! ]0 M5 }  [! M, U% c- p" L6 v7 ~) x6 Q/ w0 f
  军皓被摸得兴奋,阴茎颤抖起来,龟头硬翘着不断拍打着自己的小腹,那双油腻腻的手,换了个目标,又朝着自己翘凸的肉棱、系带上来回轻抚。两人一路调情而来,并未做什么前戏,都想直奔主题,这煽情的抚摸让欲火焚身的军皓再也忍不住了,躬身圈着杭森的身体,低吼道:“唔……你摸得我好舒服……让哥哥先射给你一次……喔……没想到你身体这么结实,还能这么柔韧……”军皓全身热腾腾的肌肉在猛烈地摇动摩擦之下,覆上了一层男人的薄汗,胸前被皮带束缚住的胸肌,由于亢奋,显得更加外凸,两颗小巧的乳头,像锥子似的,顶着杭森背部的肌肉。两人跟深海中的一对大虾似的,搂抱着跪在床上,又活像草原上一对正在交配的狮子,雄壮那只骑压在较为纤细的那只身上。军皓用自己傲人的雄壮肉体包裹着身下的杭森,一块又一块的胸腹肌肉试图在对方身上打下专属于自己的烙印,两条手臂交叠在杭森胸腹前面,扭来扭去地让两人紧贴在一起的皮肉摩擦不止。硬到极限的肉屌插在杭森的会阴之下,还不断鼓动全身的血液逆流而下,辟水神柱般将杭森的两颗睾丸分朝两边。4 ?/ ~% T! m' Q+ D( v
1 _' L, d1 x' q5 j- B; v
  杭森被撩拨得发出无意义的嘶吼,军皓晓得对方爱上了这种感觉,贴在杭森耳边,发出男人低沉磁性的询问:“喔……来,并起双腿,我硬么?光是搂着你,我就硬成这个样子……唔……森,喜欢哥哥的鸡 巴吗?”9 r$ g$ q# v) l* N) c" k
, _2 m0 m: W2 A% _% }! t8 Q' X
  军皓只把自己肥硕的龟头用力顶向杭森的会阴,茎干却左右上下地撬动着杭森腿根的柔嫩皮肉,感受到自己的腿间背上全是这个男人雄壮的力量,杭森像是配合对方,更是发自内心地回应道:“啊……军皓,你好硬……好男人啊!我喜欢你的鸡 巴,热烘烘的鸡 巴……”迷失在性爱中的杭森,已经不再羞于在交媾中吐露自己的想法了。
8 b$ C- ~  o5 Q7 E& k
' H) o& ]1 O$ I/ {# S6 P) H  “喔……宝贝,这根热烘烘的屌,都是因你而起……哥哥的大炮,射了就没这么烫了。唔……森,你的皮肤真光滑,像缎子一样,搂着你就觉得兴奋……啊!”
6 N, Z  O; a  Y9 j8 E3 v/ P/ Q* A, t3 @* K7 ?, @2 X
  光是这低沉的成熟男音,几乎就能让杭森沦陷,此刻他紧合着双腿,让对方的大龟头两端翘起的龟冠,享受着摩擦翻弄的快感。即便是隔着不算轻薄的一层橡皮套,杭森也能清晰地感觉到这根有型有款,棱角分明的龟头触擦着自己的下阴。军皓的生殖器被腿根紧紧夹着,门板似的胸腹强烈起伏,几乎将全身近一半的体重压在杭森的脊背上,做爱时床伴体重的压迫,丝毫不构成负担,反而成为欲念的砝码,让杭森在肉与肉的厮磨触碰中,越陷越深。杭森极度渴望能再贴近这个雄壮动情的成年男人一些。歪过脸,蹭着军皓两鬓的胡须。军皓经验丰富,知道此刻床伴需要的是什么,一面闭着眼享受杭森腿根皮肤对自己鸡 巴的火热摩擦,一面缠绵无比地啃噬着杭森的脸颊耳背,当他啃咬到杭森的脖颈时,杭森长吟了一声,“原来他的敏感点在这儿。”孜孜不倦地对着杭森脖颈间的筋肉撕咬起来。
1 m2 w6 R6 x/ k3 s1 f
3 E4 ~0 P+ d2 `5 K  杭森从未体验过如此旖旎的床笫挑拨,还未插入,快感就要将自己淹没了。军皓却再次换了手段,微微后撤身体,将被夹在杭森腿间的鸡 巴撤出少许,身体一贴,使自己的龟头刚刚好被卡在杭森的会阴边沿,再一缩身体,被会阴压伏的阳具瞬间绷着弹跳而起,自下而上顺着杭森敏感空虚的肛缝迅疾划过。杭森如遭雷殛,浑身颤抖起来。
; d& c3 C, m7 P0 _( K
. D$ H% U2 G/ a7 k4 g8 ^! D; H7 D  “呵呵……爱么?嗯?要不要我这样弄下去?宝贝,告诉我。”军皓煽动着,鼓舞着即将承接自己雄伟鸡 巴插入对象的士气。
5 ]* ~; e: D' n% P0 s
' _# q6 m" R9 R1 M! [* ^; K  “啊!军皓,我好爱……你的大鸡 巴好有力量啊!继续……别停,我好爱啊……呃……”1 @4 [# c% `3 v0 o7 u3 M

" T3 `+ D8 v% o; Z+ g! P! D! U/ c  军皓浅浅笑着,不断地将压在杭森背上的身体前倾后撤,一根大屌忽焉卡在会阴,忽焉擦着肛门快速擦过,军皓眼见杭森伸手朝自己的下体抓来,试图填补他身体最为空虚之处,军皓岂能让对方如愿?他爱极了杭森对性的敏感、俊帅的脸孔以及一身紧致纤长的身体,非得使出浑身解数,让对方渴望与自己一而再、再而三地享受性交的乐趣不可。在杭森的手伸过来时,军皓使坏地扭动着大屁股,将整颗龟头嵌入肛缝里,左右摇摆身体。插入的准备动作让杭森本能地紧张起来,肛口不住地收缩,浅浅的褶皱被迫刮弄着军皓嵌入其中的龟头,他也忍不住呐喊起来:“操!爽死我了。”心底其实是欢喜无比的——从初见杭森,被对方的外表吸引,再到见对方脱了衣服,被对方的身体闪瞎了眼,直到此刻的临门一脚,被对方敏感的身体打散了魂……军皓感谢起老天来:能遇到这么一位穿衣外貌气质俱佳,脱衣敏感风骚又会配合的床伴,是对自己在良莠不齐的同志圈摸爬滚打了几十年最大的犒赏!
: E! i* C7 N% ~; s3 ?) {/ K  g, N8 T' Y4 A
6 @) r" G6 Z: l8 I' L
& e3 Q, r* U- X  X  唱片机的低沉男音唱着:Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away(昨天,一切烦恼即将远去),床上的两人,却谁也不再留意。
$ m7 p1 j  Q; \  h: j. f! N5 m: t( z: \. Q% H* `

6 x8 ?+ ^# G  k5 @' z
. ~, [1 _5 X6 T* {; K8 S6 M/ {


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-24 06:01 | 显示全部楼层
第六十七章 入我身者,今日之事鲜烦忧

  T$ v" m& e( S4 ?* H9 e  ┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄
' w7 C& Q( `6 i) j& K" `8 w% Z$ Q1 O. Y' ]9 T
: m, }: ?" z$ q/ E- B' j- V/ R+ v
  军皓坏笑道:“这么快就想了?唔……森,你以后还愿意给我插吗?”见杭森又是朝后挪着屁股,又是伸手主动抓着自己的生殖器朝肛门里塞,军皓更是满意:“爱上我的鸡 巴了吗?这还没插进去,你就这么迫不及待了……我要让你离不开我啊!来,告诉我你的感受,你想我怎样对你?”6 [6 G7 f3 i: _( R6 c0 E' l) l) {

9 r' f- K6 X. v! B  杭森此时像极了在大洋中一条破洞的小舟,眼看着就要倾覆,唯有那根“木塞子”能止住沉没的势头,可那根木塞只在破漏处打着圈,就是不肯堵上去,杭森只能扑腾着把脑袋伸出水面,大口喘息着:“啊……军皓,我爱你的鸡 巴,我以后也让你操,几次都可以。求你了,插进来吧!啊……我真的……受不了……求你!”' ]& \6 o" J# H4 J5 X3 X- ^9 [% T, N
) F6 Y/ g' v* X$ F) k7 W
3 t0 V: x# v0 f& S  b( C7 Q" B/ _5 O* O  ~( L8 |, q
! q; R5 ?; Z/ A3 {% J" X; _2 N! P4 R
& {4 `* x  w- M+ y( r% D  杭森蜷缩着脚趾,上身无力地瘫软在床上,双膝颤抖着,强自撑着身体不至于坠落,一对挺翘的臀瓣主动凑到身后那张嘴边。军皓用唇边的胡须刺着柔嫩的肛肉,杭森再一次请求道:“军皓,我要……我快疯了,求你了,给我吧!我真的好难受……”
6 Y7 X/ G7 _, _( p3 ?% P2 _& {4 m: h. Y# W2 Z- f$ ]
" A3 d0 ~9 q9 v/ D8 r9 k, q
0 l" L# W+ h0 }" k# q0 @  “皓,请你进入我,狠狠地操我罢……”说完这句话的杭森,不知为何,眼角滑下一滴泪来。1 {* ]7 Z  i. M* U, D7 O

9 s0 S5 J1 C  E" q- L  {  “真好!这样才亲热嘛。来!既然你这么爱我的大鸡 巴,抓着它塞进去吧。”
  }& J! E3 C" J7 o. ]
- Q# K' n, I3 L  j) M# i1 O  杭森回过身,一把捞住军皓胯前的U形硬屌,隔着橡皮套,爱不释手地上下套弄摩擦着这硬邦邦、热烘烘的一根生殖器。军皓笑着收紧会阴,挺起最坚硬的一根,眯眼享受起杭森的主动来。杭森不忿刚才被对方戏弄,将橡皮套的储精囊按下去,用指甲轻轻扣着龟头顶端的马眼。军皓沉重的身躯抖了抖,床垫登时陷了下去,杭森握着手里这根沉重无比的油润巨锚,未经任何的试探,用力一扯,一颗肥硕的龟头便进入了一方火热而紧致的新世界。
0 I0 q% E! }5 x4 e# W! Z! Z# d5 K2 D4 @8 `, I7 w0 s' \+ Y
+ }  P% h" G. Y
) V+ K# m1 O/ l# \  “森,你比我还要心急。”军皓知道自己本钱雄厚,如此突兀的进入,想必杭森是痛得很了,强忍着想要挺进全根的念头,深吸了口气,压低身子,细细地吻着对方光洁紧绷的裸背,手掌也探到杭森胯前,用满是润滑油的手温柔地搓动着杭森疲软下去的性器。“森,我是逃不出你的手掌心了,这次真让你裹住了……里面好烫!喔!”两人胸贴背地紧搂成一团,刚插入时的快感与疼痛,让两人一起紧张起来,性爱中的男人,身体不由自主地紧绷着,军皓也是如此,被勒在两根皮带里的壮硕大胸,巨石一般将杭森的背部肌肉压得塌陷下去。军皓一边安慰着杭森疲软的性器,一边不着痕迹地用圆滚滚的大龟头缓慢地顶开绞缩在一起的肠壁。这个动作是缓慢的,也是惹火的,杭森两年未曾做爱,本能地蠕动肠肉,想要挤出肠内的利矛,军皓却执着无比地在稳住阵地的前提下,缓缓推进,军皓的阴茎过大,而且向上弯曲,在推挤过程中,向上翘起的龟头擦过肠内某处,杭森顿时低吼了一声,手中握着的性器也再度充血,军皓暗暗记住了这个位置。这场拉锯战并未持续多久,“啪”的一声,成年男人坚实的胯部与挺翘柔韧的双臀终于亲密无间地贴合到了一起——: U0 L- b+ \) D' z

0 H( b6 H2 |8 T# S! F% @  “啊!好大好硬……军皓,胀得很了!”杭森的肠肉被抻到了极限,甚至连阴茎在自己身体内抖震的幅度,他也能清楚地感应到。
9 s/ n) E1 N( D( O( g/ H( T2 ?" U! l, I# T4 p
  “森,深呼吸,跟着我一起。现在不疼了吧?我下面太大了,放轻松,你会爱上的,我保证!”- d, k1 F( I0 f- ?( g1 Q( r% [- M* p

# \% p2 t/ [5 _, X: {% h6 \  军皓低沉的男音,简直将杭森催眠了,他说什么,杭森都亦步亦趋地照做无误。深吸时,肠壁收缩,紧紧地勒住军皓的阴茎,吐气时,军皓便再度使劲顶上来。那浇铁铸钢似的男性力量,让杭森微微有些抗拒的心,彻底折服了,同志中被插入的一方,大抵是心理快感多一些,心理不再排斥,身体之上的疼痛,也就微不足道了。杭森浑身酥软无比,脑袋无力地瘫靠在军皓肩头冰冷的皮带上,毫无意识地蹭着对方侧脸上密布的胡渣。这副被操得失神的骚浪模样,军皓看在眼里,喜在心头,激起了他对自己胯间力量的骄傲与自得,刺激着男人的征服欲望。保持着插入的状态,军皓从跪姿变为半蹲状态,嵌入杭森身体深处的鸡 巴,随着姿势的改变也不断变换着角度,军皓骑跨在杭森的臀上,缓慢却沉重地抽插起来。
# f4 _) y# _& B( A2 N+ \% m$ i
3 `( S0 G/ {, z2 l* M* T  “喔……军皓,你好硬啊,像根鼓棒似的,我快被你弄死了……”杭森一边捋着自己的性器,一边仰头呐喊起来。方才的疼痛完全消失了,只剩下被填满的充实与痒麻。
9 @# }. P: [8 }3 A" S3 ]4 l6 _, n" `' A6 f
  直到深入到极致,军皓才吃了一惊,对方肠道尽头那个收缩性绝佳的肉环,居然能自主地上下套弄着自己的龟头,等到龟头全部卡了进去之后,那圆环又开始左右磨缠起自己的龟冠来,而包裹着自己茎干的肠肉,层层叠叠蠕动着,擦触着自己的阴茎,像极了紧致数倍的阴道。军皓从未在任何一个床伴身上体会过这种体验,杭森就像是一处曲径通幽的江南园林,每转过一个弯,换一个角度,总能发现此前未曾留意的旖旎风景。更何况戴着套子这种感觉都如此强烈,要是没了这层恼人的阻隔,肉贴肉地纠缠在一起,那又是何等的美妙?军皓干脆停下抽插的动作,只是深深将鸡 巴挺了进去,眯着眼睛享受起那圈肌肉对自己龟肉的绞缠来,只是坚持了一时半会,就酸得龇牙咧嘴,再也保持不住骑跨的姿势,双膝再度砸回床上,肥硕的龟头一个上挑,两人同时大喊起来。
0 A0 @+ N' t# L  B3 P+ Z- o) S2 N& |& L. A4 q$ Q! w
  “森……呼……你里面是怎么回事?居然还会上下左右地动……差点被你缠出精来……喔,捋得我好酸……我从未体验过这种感觉。爱死你了……森,以后还让我操吗?”$ e1 W8 S+ Z+ \+ E' N5 H7 E$ }0 m  n
. Q' p: n" W- n0 j  A; {% U
  军皓缠绵无比地在杭森耳边喘着气述说自己的感受,一身雄赳赳的肌肉、男人低沉沙哑的嗓音、粗硕的阴茎、极度挑情的言语、周围斑斓的光线……一切的一切,都让杭森迷离起来,不安地扭动着屁股,带动着鸡 巴在自己体内搅动,弓着后背,紧紧地贴着军皓被热汗覆盖着的暖烘烘的胸腹,呢喃着:“给,我给……皓,你喜欢,只管拿去,我让你操,你想怎样操都行……”杭森仰头喘息着,感觉到体内的鸡 巴不断撬动着挑逗自己,耳边脸侧还有男人温热气息的撩拨,杭森此时想着:我真愿意死在他雄壮的胯下,真的生不起一丝的力气去对抗了。1 r8 ^1 p" }+ B  M, T

- {. H% o" Q& {7 {4 u8 l' Y  军皓得到满意的答复,低笑了两声,旋转着大屁股,让深埋在直肠里的鸡 巴扭动起来,变化着角度朝敏感的肠壁撞去,“森,你喜欢这样吗?喔……你里面裹着我的龟头,爽死我了!我定会好好回报你,让你体验从未有过的高潮。”0 o" S9 o+ o4 X2 v% y( t- i% K7 k
. u$ u! p+ I8 @
& l. x; i3 w6 R
/ V0 `& ^4 {: P7 f' W0 C3 ]  军皓一身体毛刮得干干净净,就连胯间的阴毛,也是精心修剪过的。他性伴多,满身的毛不太卫生,闻言轻笑起来:“森,你喜欢男人腋窝的毛?你知道,我不开店的时候基本都是在健身房锻炼,汗多得很,所以做了除毛,你要是喜欢我的毛毛,我以后就不修剪了,都留给你玩。”说着挺起上身,跪坐在床上,再用力一带,将杭森拉着坐到自己的胯上,“森,好不容易出了国,咱们放开了玩,到时候我带你去同志酒吧见识一番,国内可是没有的,你一定喜欢。唔……你里头缠得我好紧,想要我操你么?想不想听我说煽情话挑逗你?”
& O% y, b% R. |$ m+ d8 T* L
' f* V" c& H4 k) u+ {% \! X  “啊……皓,你的阴毛刺得我好舒服。我要,我要你的毛,腋毛腿毛肛毛我都要……你别修剪了,都留给我。我想要舔你的腋窝,你的屁 眼,还要好好吸一吸你的大睾丸……唔……呃,我射了!”杭森没料到在床上说出这些他原本根本无法想象的话来,会产生如此强烈的快感,军皓只是轻抽慢插着,自己就射出精来,这种感觉如此陌生,又如此美好,原来床上的淫词浪语,无疑是性爱过程中鼓舞人心的激励和呐喊,它带来的不仅是沉溺性爱中两人感受的交流,还夹杂着对未曾发生事件的想象和刻画。愉悦之中想通了这一点,杭森更是放下所有的矜持和羞涩,大吼着:“皓,我好爱你的大鸡 巴,好粗好热,我要你操死我!用力干我!我离不开你了,我每时每刻都要和你性交,喔……皓,干……我……”伴随着拖长的尾音,杭森享受了生平最为强烈的一次性高潮。
* O/ s$ a/ c$ c4 H( Z
% n' O' Y* x$ S2 w4 _; _  军皓看着杭森骚浪地在自己的双臂囚笼中难耐地扭动着腰杆,扑簌簌射出浓稠的精液,甚至有数股精液都打到了床头的暗灯之上,“嗞”的一声,开了一天的灯泡顿时将沾染的浓精蒸发了少许,不大的屋子里满是动人的情欲味道。对于杭森在性爱中的反应,军皓欣喜无比,坦率、极为放得开,这种性格放到赵一桥身上并不奇怪,可杭森表现出来,就尤为难得了。他决心举行数场性爱盛典,杭森是他选定的共襄盛举的最佳对象。
! |- p: I3 p: I
& [' ]5 |2 L6 }4 r4 i* x) [+ b  或许是太长时间没有做爱,射过精,杭森的性器并未疲软下去,反而在手中激动无比的弹跳着,屁 眼里也未曾觉得难受不适,那火辣辣、油油腻腻的一根大鸡 巴在肠壁内旋转冲刺,刮弄不迭,肠壁上头的肉环跟军皓的大龟头活像榫卯一般,扣得密实无比,这两幅性器,仿佛天生就是长在一起的:你凹陷下去的地方,我自然能凸显着补充,鸡 巴和直肠之间,捆绑得密不透风。贴合到极致,带来的摩擦快感也就分外强烈。杭森心脏狂跳,肺部失控,喉头像被堵住一般,只能发出“呜呜”的低吼。军皓的阴毛本就是特意修剪过的——生殖器周围的毛发半长,显得威猛而男人味十足,小腹上的那些,却故意剃得只留着短短的一撮毛根,直至此时,杭森才晓得为什么对方要将耻毛弄出这种层次感来:那小腹之上的粗硬毛茬,随着军皓提胯的动作,扭臀的动作,前后左右地刺激着自己的臀肉,生殖器周边那些,也粗粗硬硬的垂直长着,麦芒般锥刺着自己被阴茎撑到极致的肛口。被这为性爱而特意整理过的男人阴毛连续不断的刺激,杭森开始不断地收缩着肛道,肠壁上的那一圈圈一环环,充满爱意地挤压、吸啜、紧箍着绷直的阳具。杭森感念起造物主来——能造出这根制造快乐的男人生殖器来,想必是他值得大书一笔的辉煌创举。8 r( i  s. y) X0 g3 P

! L' O* W! E" U4 [" I  军皓也感觉到杭森射精时紧紧地裹缠着自己的阳具,上下蠕动着全方位地刺激着自己的硬屌来,精索和海绵体被波浪似的肉壁环环困住,围剿腾挪。他发现,只有急速的抽送才能缓解这种无时无刻的巨大刺激,双掌扣住杭森的腰,抛动起胯间的杭森来,身体也紧绷着向上凑耸而去。“啊啊!森,你这么爱我的大鸡 巴吗?夹得我好舒服……用力挤啊……喔!我也离不开你,我也想天天都能操你……呼……好爽啊,森,你是来折磨我的,哦……”
# [4 h7 T& ]' S8 `4 X+ t7 h/ ^% J# G% @* }
  军皓突然疯狂起来,将杭森压到床上趴着,自己也紧随而上,眼也没看,轻松无比地就将阳具再度送到直肠内,接着将190来磅(约合86kg)的身躯压了下来,疾风骤雨般深深操入杭森体内,幅度极大,频率也极快,杭森的直肠刚刚合拢一些,又再次被锚头撞开,军皓腰腹间钢针似的耻毛,黑云一般压向濒临失守的城楼。杭森狂叫起来,折服在骁勇善战的军皓胯下,电闪般的狠狠抽插,前列腺被U形的大屌不停地刮蹭,在愉悦的痉挛中,杭森奋力撅起了屁股,朝着军皓的耻骨对撞而去,两人的睾丸也难以幸存,甩动着撞击到一起,唱片机的沙哑男声再也听不到了,房间里只剩下“啪啪泊泊”的销魂声响。8 F3 l) ~' a0 r  c$ G( ^+ @

+ @4 i7 B  S& B0 ^% q  “啊啊,皓,我要死了,我要被你操死了!求你了,操死我吧……皓,我不行了,我腰快断了,呃……”杭森终于没能说完,就被军皓沉重的身体彻底压陷入床垫里。高潮的余韵尚未退却,肛门里又被辣、麻、酥、痒依次光临,对方硬屌上的热力,炽热的体温,烘烤着扩散到杭森的四肢百骸,成了让快乐的泉源,紧紧缠绕着自己脖颈的手臂,想要扼杀自己一般,让杭森难以顺畅呼吸,可一身壮男的威武肌肉,又让杭森不愿意摆脱,反而心甘情愿沉溺于这种窒息的快感中,被操弄得几乎麻木的直肠,分泌着粘腻的肠液,再被硬屌一磨,两人的高声淫叫嘶吼以及肉肉相撞的脆响声中,再度添上了一部“淅淅沥沥”的水润和音。
5 q& g# v* `/ T- R# z0 |4 k
8 j; M0 s2 K4 u5 w( Y  e  O, ~, x  g  杭森反手抚摸着抽插中壮男被床头暗灯映照得色彩斑斓、光影交错的结实屁股,蘸了一指热汗送入嘴里,仔细吮吸着,沉醉得无以复加,性爱中男人的一切体液都如此让人着迷,这样放开身心,敞开一切的性交快感,让杭森再难顾忌其它。被操的昏沉之际,他幻想着军皓满是汗水的雄腰、翘臀、粗腿、厚背,感受他勇猛的捅插节奏,肛肉缠绕着他胯间的男子气概,朦胧间,只听军皓一声大吼:“森,我射了!”
& q& D  |5 @/ Q/ w& z! `* P- h' [: U4 l& Z# M
- ]# Z2 J- R: h+ h" A

6 L! h/ X* ], w* \$ T% m, b) g


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